Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Complaints Against Mdvip

Darwin's time

Bloc texts Fri "[R] EVOLUTION Poznan Culture Time joined the relatively sparse in celebrating the Year of Poland among the Darwinian (two hundredth anniversary of the birth, one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the first edition of" The Origin of Species "). This glorious exception on a map of cultural magazines, while a clear symptom. Darwinism is still in the humanities carpet, even if here and there are calls for breaking down the barriers between natural sciences and the humanities. Did they succeed this impasse, "[r] evolution 'texts overcome? I have the impression that they do not. There are so at least two reasons.

Reason 1: The number These authors, who note the need to take the next (after spencerowskiej leading astray of social Darwinism) attempted humanist reception of evolution, have not decided for this step. Perhaps with the exception of Agnes Gajewska ( Feminism meets Charles Darwin ), which highlights the functionality of Elizabeth Grosz's theory of evolution for a feminist reflection ("Darwin's theory of feminism can provide the tools to understand not only mizoginicznych times in which he lived, but also the relationship of subordination between the races and genders, as well as human domination over nature ").

good opportunity to open a broader discussion lost Marie Weiss, author of the text Fri Evolution and Ethics, in principle, limited to a few wynotowania axiological problems with Darwinian phrase in the natural sciences . In this sense, the author writes about
(1) the real difference between good and evil, (2) the requisite qualifications for the subjectivity of morality, (3) of beings who have the moral subjectivity, in other words, it is a question of whether moral actors are only people.
From the position of the external referent Weiss presents "an incomplete and sketchy review" the positions of some of the theorists involved in the issues raised in the evolutionary ethic. " "Review" This concludes the proposal: "moral philosophy still has a lot to think about."

Opportunity to popularize Darwin thought he lost a Chris Lastovo. Nearly half of introducing the subject of an article number Two centuries of evolutionary theory concerns the theory of natural previous edition of "The Origin of Species," and therefore - with hindsight - wrong. The very concept of evolution by natural selection is depicted by the Lastovo bizarre language.
In the circumstances of the environment - says Professor - remains this faction of the species, which maximizes the criterion for adaptation to environmental conditions prevailing in the area where this species occurs.

The following paragraphs ( Main ideas of Darwin's work , Recpecja Darwinian evolutionary thought , Accomplishments of Darwin and modern science and philosophy - generally the structure of the article gives the impression of notes prepared for very compelling lessons for students) is measured by the heroic adequate concentration of the impact of task Darwinism on culture in kilkupunktowych outlines. This art, of course, failed, and the "Time Culture" accommodated the worst introduction to the theory of evolution probably ever read.

Against Two centuries of evolution reflected positive articles Bartosz Twigs ( monkey in the desert, which is why today, read Darwin? ) and Guy Famułki ( other end of the evolution will not be ). The first one is an interesting discussion of admission Januarius Weiner to the new critical edition of "The Origin of Species" ("We live (...), fitting for Weiner to shout in Darwinian world. It is impossible to be silent, however, that awareness that we gain a solid portion mixed with tar - more than the fear that condemn the same to voluntary isolation. ") The second interesting and concisely, submit the case (alleged) to stop the evolution of homo sapiens .

Reason 2: Much of the text with "[r] evolutionary" block "Time Culture" of Darwinism is at best a loose relationship. The value of an anthropological approach "evolution" of music carriers, taken in Death CD and evolution the social world by Christopher Abriszewskiego , is perhaps the large (do not know much about this), but the theory of evolution by natural selection, just links them is that in both narratives, without the term "evolution" is not a way to get around. However, the fact that the word occurs in a variety of meanings and contexts, is the reason for any further misunderstandings. Similarly deceptive and (I) quasi-Darwinian nature of the article is Gabriela Switek ( species, types, forms, styles. A comparative morphology and anatomy in the history of architecture ). The idea for the marriage of "naturalism" with "kulturalizmem" seems to be interesting. The problem is that Darwinism and comparative anatomy is not necessarily the same thing.

Margaret Radkiewicz ( "Angels and Insects" Victorian England ) discusses an interesting film by Philip Haas under Antonia Susan Byatt stories . "The construction of a film corresponds to the classification of literary heroes because of their views and knowledge of natural sciences (...)", what seems to have determined the taxonomic classification of editorial decisions in the family Radkiewicz text (row, genre)" [r] evolution ".

What will certainly be taken by the "Time Culture" easily humanization of evolution, is a project by Reiner Maria Matysiak Fri Referendum: The legalization of the joint offspring of humans and primates. The emergence of community reproductive - an art project with a clear Darwinian contours; provocation to think species differences, technological acceleration taking place in the evolutionary basis of reimbursement and the "new ethic of humanity." Finally, I can write, I strongly recommend an overview of photographs and read "information about the project referendum."

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tongue Piercing White Stuff

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.24

Greetings to all! New Year's Eve decided to make a gift to you.

For a long time I thought invented and tried. BUT ... turned out - video is no longer slow.

made some nice (in my opinion) changes in the interface behavior and in relation to the user.

All paint will not, check for updates, see FAQ, ask questions, throw tomatoes.

Special thanks Initiative Group, which helped me to debug this version.
  1. Lek
  2. Artem Ch
  3. J. Watch
  4. Vladimir K.
  5. Jedi Master
  6. php.CMS.Developer
  7. levide
  8. Dima Vind
  9. Tapock

Developers INTV Tuner'a I also have a gift, namely FLVServer.exe that goes into the archive. If you need an API or sniffayte or the soap to me, and I will explain why there is, and how.

program is still not completely stable, and not on all the machines working properly, so what are waiting for New Year and new versions.


same way I enter "beer" Donation aka aka donation.
But the program has been and will always be free !

Monday, November 30, 2009

O.f. Mossberg & Sons Inc

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.22


FAQ section updated. Check.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pokemon Soulsilver Freeze Patch Desmume

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.20

last night (15.11.2009) to request a list of files movie, the player is misbehaving kept showing an error "The remote server returned an error: (404) was not found." figured out. Iteveshniki something twirled in his record. And since the completion new version of another week, then take, and I can not leave you without a kin, and that's produced new-old version.

Plus several vkusnyashek:

1) Removed bug with not Expanding full-screen video
2) Conservation Playlists
3) Save the search history + display it as a drop-down menu
4) Save settings (such as volume etc.)
5) Right-click on the video - cleaned work areas (light mode)
6) panel is avtopoyavlyayuscheysya moving the mouse over the video (Light mode, full screen)


As always inform you.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Speech For Anniversary Of A Company


I am very pleased that there are people ready to assist in the development of this player.

I would like to organize a focus group for debugging (build) a new version, because require much discussion, and I had thoughts of hurting mosk.

This Group I need to make adjustments during development (when all dismantled), and not later when I gather, and something will break and remake)). I think it will speed up the release of a new version. Everybody Wellcome to the group!

application to join the group send an email to . In response, I will send a new version.

This topic is discussed only a new version of the program. If anyone has questions about the current version (0.0.16), please write in Previous topic or by email.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blaine Quotes I Think I'm In Love With You

Делаем вместе

Thank you for your comment.
fix everything, and will establish, improve and decorate ...

Together ...
Do not get me wrong, phrases like "program crashes with" unfortunately do not give me virtually no information to correct this very wrong.

So awesome please:
If the program gives a critical error, buggy and strongly expressed misconduct do printskrin (by clicking "details" on form error) and send it to me by email proprograms@gmail.com . I would be mega grateful and thankful in every way.

program is still in testing phase, so that I can not guarantee work properly in all versions and OS versions under Vindos.

PS If anyone wants to help with writing instruction, "thanx to" replenish, respectively))

PPSS As always comment and criticize. http://freeintvticket.blogspot.com/

Monday, September 28, 2009

Drivers License Center In Lewisburg Pa

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.16

* changes a lot, so that the presence of glitches, I guarantee)
1. Made a lane loading;
2. Changed the method of rewinding. By clicking on the desired location. If you hover your mouse anywhere on the strip winding appears timestamp;
3. Modified controller volume;
4. While working player, the computer will not go into hibernation / skinseyver;
5. Full screen is on the monitor, which was a player;
6. Posted by mark "Over the windows." Player makes over all windows (not blocked);
7. When you change the volume (in full. Scroll wheel, the arrows up / down) on the left bottom Video shows the percentage of the volume.
8. At start of roll, his name is displayed on the left bottom of the video.
9. Changed the system of adding clips to the playlist. Double click - clears the list and adds the selected video clips. Right-click to add at the end of the list;
10. In full-screen mode, hiding the cursor;
11. Posted by system updates. Runs every time at startup. Just added to the menu item "Help-> Check for calculating whether there Refreshed." Not quite the system updates. More on the news it seems)


about the fact that some white stripes on the sides - solve the problem. Should give a laptop, on which this happens, I will investigate. While he made a dark background, not to beat in the eye.

PS. criticized for the bugs

Monday, September 21, 2009

Corporal Punishment In Main Movies


In connection with his departure for a week-long trip, Next Version postponed.

inform you about the glitch, bugs and suggestions.

come check it:)))

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Basketball Ice Cream Cake Orange County

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.12

1. Fixed a serious bug related to incorrect parsing of metadata video. Because of him could fail to scroll on some roller skates, and not just scrolling.
2. After screaming, crying and the sprinkling of saliva in my direction, I've corrected the bug, which I beheld (and blushed heavily reddened) to provide me printskrine. Although its cause I have so and not get (beat, kicked, chewed and scratched).
3. Posted favorites. In the search results (category, genre), the right button of mouse click "Add to Favorites". Accordingly, in every way possible to edit selected by pressing the star yellow. To use the Favorites in the top drop-down menu, select "Memories" and it will all understand.
4. According to numerous (more integer) requests made in fulskine pause / play space key. arrow up / down - volume.
5. Added a bunch of options: to be able to go to the video page. at the bottom to swing the file.


And as always, looking for bugs and suggest features.


1) Fixed garbage from the link above to flv file, which does not stick to the edges of the form
2) in response to fulskrine added buttons to the left and right - previous next clip in the playlist accordingly.

version has not changed. File perezalil a tighter link.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cervix At Implantation

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.9


1. Fixed bug with changing size of the video (after exit full screen mode)
2. Fixed a bug with the response to click and double click on video (start / pause, full screen, respectively)
3. Video is scaled to fit the original size (height is withdrawn)
4. Added a field as "The uploaded time." This is the number of seconds after downloading that begins playing the video. Made to not pull for a bad connection.
5. A few small changes


WAG (mirror)

ZY report error

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nintendo Ds Scratch Remover For Screen

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.7


1. Added a search function caching the result.
2. Added a menu on the case rashireniem functional - soon on a form no longer enough room.
3. Changed the function to work with playlists. When you double-click on the name of the movie, its files are automatically added to the end of the playlist, to modify the content added button (lower right) removal of selected items from the playlist.
4. Fixes some Bugs
5. At the weekend I will rest)))


add a search, I filled out the required functionality for the player. The next update will be after the collection of information of shortcomings and suggestions for improvement. Unless, of course, do not come out, something serious.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I Want To Paint My Living In Mediterranean Colors

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.5

Several changes

1. Fast-running
2. Double click on the video - full screen mode, double click in fullscreen-exit.
3. Single-click on the video - pause, another - to play
4. Skorolling wheel - change the volume
5. Refined design
6. Rewrote fleshovuyu part, has become easier to 90kb)))
7. Bunch of small bugs removed, yet a lot of added so that catch ...


PS the weekend should be a search

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hot Flashes And Back Ache After Ovulation

FreeInTvTicket 0.0.1

look InTv.ru no advertising, no banners and free . and always will be!
Link to download

Instructions for use

1. Accordingly movie

2. In the "Address of the page to view the site intv.ru" write address page view video. can be both a http://intv.ru/view/?film_id=26298, and http://www.intv.ru/v/9R8WvVenmv&playNow=1)

3 and 4. > button loads a list of files to play, it differs from button ">>" the fact that it clears the list of files to play (5).

6,7,8. I did a little managing playlists. I found it very useful when the serials look, just uploaded all the seasons, kept in a file and then watch when convenient.

9. indicator data downloaded and the file size in kilobytes

10. playback time and duration of the file.

11. you can press ESC < — предыдущий файл, >

13. scale reproduction. Unfortunately, fast in the file did not, because need to think long))

14. Volume Control

I would glad if someone will respond and give advice on development, the elimination of bugs.

Can someone draw the design better. As run-program and the code in order, lay out sources.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Get Pregnant Simulation Gme

bzdet week, namely in the form

in sztosie Nowicki, once again proves the incompetence of the topic, which he loves to speak. Sociobiology this topic is called. In the column, Fri "Republic of chimpanzees' peroruje like flies:
For a long time in our perception of the animal world was dominated by a vision a la Dawkins: an evolution in no way could lead to morality, because it only rewards bad, selfish and aggressive individuals. Today, more and more, we understand that human morality has not taken out of nowhere, that our ability to distinguish between good and evil is greatly animal roots.

vision of "a la Dawkins"?? The vision of "a la Nowicki did not understand what he was reading," rather. Where and when Richard gives great kociopoły like to believe? "Evolution in no way could lead to morality, because only rewards bad, selfish and aggressive individual." Nowicki could ever come across the concept of reciprocal altruzimu , maybe he marry them with egozimem "selfish and aggressive (sic) units." Meanwhile, conceives of stuff on bzdetami and undermines the already strong reputation nadszarpaną "Europe" as a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe relay.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Can You Get Your Drivers License With A Warrant

Nowicki kill his rationalism needed

First - to clarify blogger. All of its dozen or so readers, and readers very sorry that destroyed my blog on speed. It happened because the locals are signing appearances usually a three to one hundred and seventeen monkeys tails at once, so time and again one or another wymsknie and he swings at God's world alone. Recently cultivate outside netem rozmyślunek pleased, more so in the local club's Political Criticism than in some other contexts, though it is not so in others decidedly not. And it is not that blogging gave up that my changes her mind. On the contrary, what I hope will certify the coming weeks. What we need as a kite is a bit of rain wiency consequences. Consequences! Consequences! Consequences! - Means that I go to the "second". Because

second - today's performance is consistently thinking about the crime. The crime in a column last Jewropie tracked down in the thinking of Peter Singer jewropejski my favorite columnist (and at the head of the entire Yevropy, so hats off!) Maciej Nowicki (author, whose two notes below I had the opportunity to appreciate the quality of the work). The scrap Fri "Kill your mother," Singer going until the chips fly.

author of "Animal Liberation" was given to primarily bestiality. Here Nowicki talking on the train with Zizka, who devotes a few words cut Australian philosopher:
(...) Peter Singer argued that there is nothing wrong in bestiality - provided that the animal is not anything forced. If he really believes, let's photograph on the cover and give a politically correct leftist magazine.

This is what Zizek Nowicki had a roll on the train between Warsaw - Krakow, and on this nawijce is built next part of the essay: surely not eating animals is the first step on a slippery slope to bestiality morals and the state of complete barbarism.

Well, Singer apparently scored himself leaning to the topic, which moved from the place of mud mixed with your mover. It does not matter if what Zizek lightly (or rather a heavy paw) states (namely, that Singer says something) is or is not true. Singer actually work already fucked it's just that the topic was touched on bestiality. No matter if you stole it, whether he had stolen, it's important that he was involved in an ugly case. And since it is involved, it can no longer go after it without trzymanki. Especially it's quite well made: Singer with his "Animal Liberation" leaned very rude. With a simple and widely accepted assumptions axiological brought safely to the correctness of the conclusion that eating meat and dairy products is not beautiful nor good. It definitely hurt more than one Nowicki and Zizka, therefore the issue of "Singerowskiej" bestiality helped them regain fashion. "The guy from veganism" is both "a man of bestiality," so everything is clear and there is nothing to talk about. Singer and something could theoretically win there once, but finally scored an own goal themselves, so that the match Nowiccy and Żiżkowie won the reins, without having to head games.

Is this a mental health diagnosis Zizka / Nowicki in a dispute with Singer is true? I do not know. I know that may be true. In addition, suppose that the probability of its truth is not small. So let me think there is.

zoofilskich Now in the few words of sympathy Singer because since the time of highest unload the grenade, which is haunted by a philosopher (to Zizek / Nowicki add Gary Francione , abolitionist animal for years that is in dispute with Singer, who also juggles bestiality as an argument, and what that below the belt), and is, according to my immodest opinion, the fiasco.

In 2001, Peter Singer made book review Fri Dearest Pet Midas Dekkers. Thing, as is clear from Singer's discussion concerns the bestiality as a historical phenomenon that accompanies human culture since time immemorial, for centuries before Christianity, and certainly not extinct as a result of its creation. (Singer cites research by Alfred Kinsey 'until 1940, which showed that 8% of men and 3.5% of women have sexual contact with animals.) Despite strong pressure to maintain strict taboos about sex zoofilskich man they are a fairly large percentage. Is Singer writes about this in order to promote, encourage, promote? Not at all. What is interesting, according to him, he teaches as follows:
The Existence of sexual contact Between humans and animals, and the potency of the taboo against it, displays the Ambivalence of our relationship with animals. On the one hand, Especially in the Judeo-Christian tradition - less so in the East - in have always seen ourselves as distinct from animals, and imagined That a wide, unbridgeable gulf Separates Us From Them. Humans alone are made in the image of God. Only human beings have an immortal soul. In Genesis, God gives humans dominion over the animals. In the Renaissance idea of the Great Chain of Being, humans are halfway between the beasts and the angels. We are spiritual beings as well as physical beings. For Kant, humans have an inherent dignity that makes them ends in themselves, whereas animals are mere means to our ends. Today the language of human rights — rights that we attribute to all human beings but deny to all nonhuman animals — maintains this separation.

On the other hand there are many ways in which we cannot help behaving just as animals do — or mammals, anyway — and sex is one of the most obvious ones. We copulate, as they do. They have penises and vaginas, as we do, and the fact That the vagina of a calf can be sexually satisfying a man that shows how Similar These Organs are. The taboo on sex with animals small, as I have already Suggested, have Originated as part of a broader rejection of non-reproductive sex. But the vehemence with this prohibition Which Continues To Be Held, its persistence while other non-reproductive sexual acts have become Acceptable, Suggests That there is another powerful force at work: our desire to differentiate ourselves, erotically and in every other way, from animals .

Next Singer makes a few remarks about the need to criminalize such forms of bestiality, which causes cruelty to animals. Recalls in this context, the view Otto Soyki, autora Beyond the Boundary of Morals :
Never widely known, and now entirely forgotten, it was a polemic directed against the prohibition of "unnatural" sex like bestiality, homosexuality, fetishism and other non-reproductive acts. Soyka saw these prohibitions as futile and misguided attempts to limit the inexhaustible variety of human sexual desire. Only bestiality, he argued, should be illegal, and even then, only in so far as it shows cruelty towards an animal. Soyka's suggestion indicates one good reason why some of the acts described in Dekkers book are clearly wrong, and should remain crimes.

No i wreszcie to, za co chyba Singer zbiera razy od swoich (Francione) i od obcych (Żiżek): "But sex with animals does not always Involve cruelty." Perhaps it is the sentence allowed Żiżkowi argue about what Singer says about the ethical status of bestiality. Inevitably by Most Popular propagator (and FANA), the logical consequence of Lacan's sentences "resulting zoofilia cruelty to animals is wrong" and "not every animal bestiality causes suffering" is the assertion "there is nothing wrong in bestiality - on condition that nothing of the animal is not forced ' . And this is perhaps the fundamental difference between Anglo-Saxon school frankofilską and inference.

The alleged justification of his bestiality Singer said in an interview follows:
I was not really Expressing an opinion on Whether human sexual contact is right or wrong, although I did point out WHERE That involves a dry contact or cruelty to the animals Suffering, it certainly ought to be as it is, a criminal offense, but I raised the question as to Whether it ought to be a criminal offense When There Is No Suffering Coercion or on the animal.

It turns out that when Singer questions, Žižek hear the answers. I have in reverse: more often so that when something Zizek says, embracing me doubts.

Okay, stop bestiality! And let's have peace Żiżku, back to Nowicki. Singer
According to him, "claimed that the belief in the superiority of man over every living thing is a myth - not least because some animals are more intelligent than babies or mentally handicapped." Will Nowicki
want to say that, according to Singer superiority of man over other animals is not supported by facts, is untrue? Well, I'll gladly be exported, where Nowicki draws about these allegations Singer. From the available sources is clear to me exactly the opposite. For example:
claim that life itself conscious beings capable of abstract thinking and planning for the future, the complex acts of communication is more valuable than the lives of creatures that do not have this capability, it is not arbitrary. (P. Singer, Animal Liberation , ed. Alichniewicz A. and A. Szczesna, ed. PIW, Warszawa 2004, p. 40)

Nowicki But maybe he wants to say only that according to Singer's go after this world -human animals, which are more intelligent than many humans. If you only want to say is that because that this conclusion does not agree?
there may yet be different and Nowicki one wants to say (according to Singer, the superiority of man over the non-human animals is a myth) and second (according to Singer, there are non-human beings more intelligent than human beings) in such a way that one gets confused and the second matter what Singer actually said and what is not said, especially confusion, one of which is known for sure: he must be krejzi! (Singer, not Nowicki, wiadomka.) It is also possible. Is also possible that the columnist simply do not understand what Singer says, no different from their own assertions Singerowskich their about fantasy. This last możebność seems the least likely. Since Nowicki Zizek understands it with Singer should not have the slightest worry, because Singer is not only writes, but thought in English, read wisely, rationally and consistently to zrzygania.

And this consistency, the rationality without moderation, it is a fundamental problem with Singer Nowicki. In connection with the diagnosis of symptoms of an overdose of rational reflection in the writings of Singer, Nowicki for the Australian colleague has some weighty observations:
Singer wants to save us from suffering, seeing it as the greatest evil. In fact, directs its mercy. Except that is not mean one thing: what yesterday seemed inconceivable to us, tomorrow will be normal. So does our brain: Do not use it to ensure that each argument lead to the end. This is done with, to save us from the world.

I do not know whether the author of "practical ethics" (if only they had the chance) would understand the wisdom that comes from połajanki Head of 'Europe'. "The brain does not serve to guide each argument to the end"?. I combine this: that something out of something that, yet nothing is clear (it is - as is clear from reading the essay Nowicki - whatever may result from anything, for example, stem from a misunderstanding of the text may be radical, because after all is laid or complaint against the philosopher.) Is that it? Whether it is called enlightened conservatism? "Like we know, like we understand, but I shudder before` the consequences of the consistent use of reason "? Is it because from time to time we use it half-heartedly, without the cost of baczenia exemption? Truly, I say Maciej Nowicki: These costs are not insignificant, because when reason sleeps demons awake and half asleep when the mind, to fabricate kociopoły:
compared him to Hitler, Bormann, and Dr. Mengele - these arguments are, of course, exaggerated

Yes. These so. Definitely.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

When Is The New Season Of Huntik Starting

Dawkins, The God Delusion

Some time ago one of the leftist www.redakcji ordered my performance on "imaginary God." The text has not been used, I do not know whether because of the shear time at which it sent, or for some other reason, the editors chose not to answer the query. Paste text so here (in all good, but tofu is best).

Apparently not in today's Poland is a good practice ground for atheism, and the Poles suck faith in God in human milk. Such is the natural right and the happy fate of this land. Apparently, attempts to vaccinate the healthy tissue of diseased people of faith in unbelief have no right to succeed as long as two plus two is four, which gave the belief Robert Krasowski . "Atheism - wrote recently in" Europe "- to the recently fashionable belief that, apart from nature there is nothing that any of us ever wither like a leaf, and make sense of this process is not even worth investigate, in Poland is not accepted. "

belief in unbelief perished when the dead three" bastions of opposition to religion, "anti-religious Enlightenment mockery, mimicry of science posing for a new secular Absolut (" scientific mind proved unable to compete with religion and philosophy), and of the third, that is: the belief that religion is "an obstacle in the repair of the political world." Fortunately, a good Pole went dry shod through the chaos of nineteenth-century superstition.

But Dawkins' anti-religious pamphlet is sold in Poland more than a good (if, in light of the reading, I can say that any book sold well here.) Over 50,000 copies snapped, the title of the date of issue of the Polish edition continues the quotation czubie bestsellers. What, therefore, disagree? Everything is correct. Mem atheism is changing the face of this earth, while the Party of God on this change reactionary response. Nothing new under the sun. Changes only the global context of the dispute, increasing the chance of a revaluation of all values.

The God Delusion "is a fair measure of the dose of propaganda and ideology, like nothing - the book political. Passionate call for the continuation of the project of enlightenment.

Yes, Dawkins is the nineteenth century. Yes, it is provocative, sometimes unpleasant. Theologians and other well-trained and educated defenders of the Party of God does not bring peace to a respectful ecumenical Unknowable, but a sword confronted ideological coherence and a new proposal for balancing the costs and benefits of being under the influence of religiously primed, fairly widespread episteme us.

inadmissibility: what is it whom? What is the "God Delusion"? Why the hell are they to charge the energy and hope for the ferment around, it seems, long wybrzmiałego dispute (which it gave tons of other day - the nineteenth century, even more than Dawkins himself incarnate - Feuerbach)? Why provoke, attack, sharpened spears secularist? What will the cost of the nineteenth naive hyperactivity ateuszy - followers of religious delusions - a world that already knows that without God and without religion, or move (Kolakowski) that there is no easy retreat from metaphysics in the scientistic ideology dziecięcość (Habermas)? Where is Rome, and where the Crimea, which is where the modern mind (post) humanistic, and where ateo-troglodyci, accept the confession of faith Gagarin, namely, that "God niet?

Dawkins is important, because it is an important subject of old-new dispute on the face of the Earth and the metaphysical status of its surroundings. It is important to the social criticism of the institutions of religion, which Dawkins makes in "The God Delusion." What I found will try to justify.

In the era of intellectual irrationalism tuning of various, mostly religious and postsekularnych provenance, calling for restoration of Dawkins, a paramount reason it is not a matter of socially indifferent.

author of "selfish gene" beats alarm, because as a man of science feel the breath on the back of a retreat from the social conquests of the West. Deeper: the intellectual atmosphere, which in general allowed a man with a output of natural slavery of determination, paving the way toward interpersonal relationships fundowanym the imperative of personal self-determination of each participant playing in social life. Alpha individuals without violence, without the unwanted children, and national intertribal wars, no kings, no lords, without subjects, without exclusion. Without the gods. With reason.

religion is attacked by Dawkins primarily as an institution rooted in the celebration with no-(or, as they want Scientists in Good Books, non-or over-) reason. God transcends human rationality - is perhaps one of the most relevant characteristics analyzed by Dawkins artifact. The idea of \u200b\u200belevating to the skies, whose essence is
niepojętość, they are on a serious social consequences. It's not even that, in the fight to preserve the mystery of the seriousness of religious institutions participated in the (and still commit) acts of violence in heretykach, disarming her majesty (or tell-tale mystery for another variant of the religious order.) Rather go for a lasting stigma on mental wdrukowywane salary those indoctrinated by religious institutions. Religion extents non-criticality (non-criticism), faith "with the word" (the idea deeply rooted in the philosophy of dialogue rozteologizowanej under the sign of Buber, Rosenzweig and Ebner), for which any attempt to rationally control can be deadly. Thus, religion is a force that causes the slowdown, deceleration of historical emancipation of man against the world of its own natural conditions. Religion slow movement toward getting a fuller understanding of natural reality, it is: everything that falls under the procedures of scientific work. Fighting the battle against ignorance, with mental or technical limitations, it is - says Dawkins - indelible part of the religious works. Formerly head just subversives enriched precipitates niewyparzonymi tongues. Today, discretely limited to inoculate people against the giver is not easy to control the virus curiosity about the world, this world. Adoration of the Unknowable, Mystery, the site reflects the social costs of growth potential loss of valuable knowledge about the world. Religion teaches: "virtue is to remain in ignorance" (p. 180).

instrumentation for fixation of Biopolitics control at the disposal of religious institutions, is rich. Dawkins draws attention to a number of tools of this type. One is the traditional - and therefore perennially powerful - the kind of respect of religion and religious faith in public discourse. Respect captured indirectly, only inherited, translated, longevity of the institution concerned. It is worth pointing out this detail, because Dawkins' imaginary God "for the tears often iconoclastic. Widely acknowledged respect for religion and religious faith just because they are ongoing, as particularly effective brakes critical reflection around them.

Respect for religion is in fact consent to its further tabuizację. Because I like talking about religion, because certain things - one way or another grounds, with doubts - just is not fitting to speak publicly on blackmail someone's religious feelings of resentment? Why is it that "our society universally (even by non-believers) is accepted view that religious belief is a domain particularly sensitive, so they must be enforced to protect the thick wall of respect, that they are entitled to immunity absent extraordinary in any other sphere of social life"? (P. 46) Dawkins cites the HL Mencken: "We should respect the religious beliefs of our fellow men, but only in the sense and to the extent to which we respect someone's belief that his wife is a beautiful woman, and children are very clever." So when children start smoking friends, raping and robbing - respect for the feelings of friendship must go into the background axiological validity. Otherwise, the feelings will serve as a gag. Religion is not a sacred cow, and as every sign of social regulation of man on earth, shall be her right to free and fair, rational criticism. One can not but lead it with a nervous breath, bishop, rabbi or imam - and all those who take the truth of every word - behind his back.

This "forced respect" be reproduced in a simple manner. This is one of the many effects of religious indoctrination, which the children are systematically subjected to people who as children were subjected to religious indoctrination. Jesus asked: "let the children come to me," so permit, and the power of God's administration perpetuates from generation to generation. "He died for you able to live "- the content of this type were decorated before the Easter holidays, one thousand newspapers wall in thousands of schools. Dawkins seek in the transmission of subtle forms of masochistic psychomanipulation. He knows the teacher knows and the Jesuit: The child in the early school age is an extremely gifted imaginative, evil memes that infect the permanent part of the mental functions.

Sacrifice of the Cross, blood, spitting and the flagellation, our sins, His suffering, Satan, hell and paradise of eternal fire, eternal glory and majesty - no matter volts hermeneutical theologians the right to Left relativizing biblical literalism of images, religious instruction for children provide a simple and meaningful content bought one for one by an unconscious minor situation clientele. Even if it does not result in a profound indoctrination of religion (and in most cases do not result), is the durability of the transmission and reproduction of spiritual authority based on ideological wdrukowaniu program can be sloppy. (By the way, surprising is the popularity of personalism as a philosophical interpretation of Catholic social teaching, personalism, which elevates the subjectivity of another human being. Where concern about the subjectivity of the child, the unformed child mentally modeled at the discretion of the institution?)

Similarly, the strong opposition raised Dawkins unwittingly reproduced in the habit of labeling language to children in a faith professed by their parents. "How can any decent person could think it fair to label four children through cosmological and theological views of their parents?" But we recognize the impropriety of such a place, happily fictitious signature under the photograph with images of children: "Shadbreed (Keynesian, aged four), Musharaff (monetarist, aged four) and Adele (marksistka, age - four years) "(p. 451), meanwhile, labeled a" Catholic children "swallow normally without pain. "Do not hesitate to fly off the handle, how many times you hear something like that. No little kid is not a Christian or Muslim - at the most is the child of Christian and Muslim parents. " (P. 454)

Since the labeling of children is only half a step to divide and conflicts between, stigmatization and exclusion of otherness. "Religion divides - it is not in doubt and it is also one of the most serious charges against all religious systems. " (P. 351) "Even if religion did not make any other damages, its no way justified, senseless tends to reinforce divisions - consciously cultivated an affirmation of the natural human tendency to favor their own group and reject foreign - enough to hold it as an important weapon of evil on Earth. " (Pp. 255-256)

(Admittedly, a lot more tact was Daniel Dennett in "disenchant" in which almost invites "civilized" religious readers to take their share of responsibility for the excesses of violence in pursuit of their fundamentalist brethren in the faith.)

The God Delusion 'is an outstanding intellectual event. It is rather a hard blow on the table. Dawkins - do not know why the religious opponents of doing it in this respect the plea - does not discover new cards in an old dispute, does not prove non-existence of God. But - in the face of threats by the religious autonomy of the authority of science - that has a strong defense of atheism. Defends him in the old-fashioned style - by frontal criticism of the grounds on which built its strength of religion. Firmly and clearly articulates its weaknesses and related concerns. Perhaps - the passion of a missionary atheist (which, however, does not allow for identification is called a fundamentalist rebours, there are conditions under which Dawkins is willing to discard your hard Darwinism; conditions are not analogous operation for the rejection of the fundamentalist Muslim or Christian - is hidden here the difference between passion and fundamentalism) - moves on issues involving human emotions strongly with the grace of an elephant in a china shop.

validity "imaginary God" is valid is reading widely, discussed, commented, criticized journalism. The book launched a whole series of events and social initiatives that seek restoration of atheism in Western culture. Atheism, which is never a matter of fact he had his five minutes on a democratically managed forum for the exchange of ideas. Atheism, or rather standing for atheism, naturalism, the idea is not crippled in the meantime, peeled of the mystery, is a thoroughbred project with considerable potential światopoglądowym emancipation. The spirit of naturalism comes after utilitarian vision of the good earth for the holy beings (not only) human enough to enjoy high quality of life, which minimizes the pain and suffering to joy and happiness. Possible for all, not to hastily (by religious or any other criterion szowinistyczego) selected. Enjoying the good life here and now - no: elsewhere, and indeed until after his death, but it is forever.

Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, ed. PJ Szwajcer, published by CIS, Warsaw 2007
Michel Onfray, the Treaty ateologiczny, ed. M. Kwaterko, PIW Publications, Warsaw 2008

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Stop Stomach From Hurting When Nervous

Lean tofu in time of crisis

Nie_Samo_Tofu in crisis, suffering from mutism. Looks like I'm from Bibki Charles not sober, and it is not so. Because yes, he reads this and that, but nothing so serious, which would compel the reaction of writing. Nevertheless, once again amazes me the contents of this printed anyway. For example, last jewropejskiego essay Maciej Nowicki subtotal:
Criticism of religion usually comes down to stating that God is a delusion - and so does not exist. Such evidence does not have any meaning (if there is no God, this is some other reason). All indications are that our body is extremely sensitive delusion of our brain phantom similar to phantom limb cut off. But that does not mean that we do not exist. Pal six
same column (średniawka after all), but the above-quoted paragraph (whose ambiguity fades away Here I like this doll) shocks. Who was let go to print, guys? After all, "Europe" is anything myself useful and aesthetic is (was?) Institution. Why such a sudden Babol? It may take me, guys, for the editor, because it is still looking for work, and you need editorial work as a kite the rain!

Jewropie Labour probably will not get, but it is based on paragraph se unsubscribe easily justify more than the monthly tofu_absencji. Because if they ask such things to read, let it not surprising that there is no przemyśliwania. Can only speculate the so-called issues. sense in the middle, meanwhile, "such evidence does not have any sense."

(Doooobra, end kidding! I'm coming back for a moment, it will be about science and the left, or Matters First, in one fell swoop. Wait a minute mark, tofużercy!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Epiphone Quick Connector

Charles - creationists

If today we have a Feb. 12 Darwin Day! Festive mood in the morning. With a daughter who is scrumptious, "suffered from" the state feverishness, we ate Christmas breakfast (soy hot steam from razowcem and - optionally - mustard), we raised a toast at breakfast, a tea drink it cold, I'm red wine with a fairly low-end (to symbolize the commitment to the theory of the origin of wines higher from lower species.) Instead of a cake - dark chocolate. Dark chocolate, as we know her supporters (including słodyczożernym vegans), there is a total so bitter that it seemed like the first tasting in the life of the ankle. And this, of course, also has symbolic meaning.

Yes, reader, since this morning we celebrate the most underrated family feast of the Year. I drag the family celebration Selo on the blog. And here I would like to wish all readers and not readers, supporters and opponents of evolution, wish a nice day, Darwin Day. For the latter sub-group in the previous sentence Homo sapiens I also have occasional prezencik: a few witty fakcików anything myself, removed from the biography of Charles Darwin, after which - as celebrystycznie - grabbed from the shelf (Charles Darwin, Selected Works, Volume VIII, Warsaw, 1960 .) Fakciki can be used - after undergoing a treatment ideological and acrobatic manner - as a building block for the arguments for abolishing the theory outlined in "The Origin of Species." I do not know if you can, but who is not trying to not give advice. In any event voila, here are weak points in the lives of the Greatest Stories of Great destructor!

first (...) I have to admit - of necessity be granted Darwin - that as a small boy I was very tempted to compose a variety of imaginary history, and it's always for the cause of sensation. (p. 4) Ha! What more could you want! After all, this is basically the same what to say: "I admit that with pleasure łgam throughout his life and nothing came up, does not hold together a factual!" Darwin is no longer, and squeals, just finish off the smooth movement of the shoe (unless, given the enormity of oddarwinowskiej baseness and infamy, we recognize the need to complete its penance, set in the form of a slow and prolonged agony.) But if there każden psycho teacher knows that the shell of his youth and so forth. "For the cause of sensation," she wove a small Karolek kociopoły parents! Old Charlie has "imaginary stories" bulwersował naive and good-natured the world only "to evoke sensations! Egocentric and skandalista, zakompleksiony fantasist and reprobate. What more do you need to understand the character of this darkly humorous pseudo-scientific theory?

second father once told me, to my deep humiliation, "you just do not care about outside shooting, dogs and rat catching, and the shame you bring your whole family." (p. 7) Shame! Shame! Shame! You do not need Freud, Lacan, Žižek than to heap up to look into the foundation works of Darwin's psychopathology. Does his penchant for inventing idiotyzmów (whose compensation function is as bright as the highest dead-nettle) not directly related to the sense of humiliation from the father? Maybe not, but it can and even, yes, we test this hypothesis by using an interdisciplinary instrumentation that is supplied with each workshop postmodern critical-case-history.

third Fantasist? Of course. Fabricator? Indeed. Neurotic? Not otherwise. For the libertine and profligate!
Although my stay in Cambridge was (...) brighter side, this time for me was unfortunately wasted, and worse than wasted. My passion for shooting and hunting, and when that ran out of time - a passion for horse riding, pushed me in a group of athletes, which was a lot of exciting and limited youth. Often evening we ate dinner together sometimes (...); drank too much, podśpiewywaliśmy cheerfully, we played cards. I know I should be ashamed of that spent days and evenings, but since some of my friends were very nice and the mood was often very nice, I remember those times with great pleasure. (P. 27)
That's right: he knows that he should be ashamed of, but not be ashamed, but on the contrary! And ribald rascal, without a doubt. I note two details. Detail 1: Darwin - fantasist and neurotic - he falls in a group of athletes. " Like anything, yet. Does not if - the time fascination with physical fitness, the model uniquely jumping monkey - Charles takes up residence in my head this insidious and deceptive virus, which years later transform into "The Descent of Man"? Detail 2: Darwin and his dodgy company used to eat dinner in the evening. Can anything good come from similar abnegatów?
Oh, if only at the time of study, instead of compromising the patrimony, the young Darwin focused on the science fair and conscientious, can play a dangerous child zaniechałby matches, introducing chaos in the eternal order? And so we are stewing and klops, and someone has to eat that monkey!

4th Top ... oops, pardon me ... Of course the worst was yet to come! Here are unabashedly admits to Darwin: the time I occupied the student demoralization boys choir to sing in my room . Sang? I wonder what Darwinu singing "boys", as already in the next sentence reads Autobiography: am so utterly tone-deaf that I can not know the dissonance nor properly and something to hum to the rhythm, is a mystery to me how the music could make me so much pleasure . (P. 28) The secret is to it!? Shameless bugger! Entertains the helpless reader suggestions and weaving fantasies! Wood ear takes in-house boys from the choir. " Why, I ask? Why? Poor boys, Poor Dad, what in his own breast uhodował this monstrosity, the poor world, what a monstrosity wife - with bezeceństwami by her sinful fantasies created - even today has to cope!

5th In the next paragraph, we read about the Darwinian venom poisoning beetle, which he held - with the lack of free hands, pozajmowanych enslaved another hapless creatures - in the mouth; then shot out a very sharp liquid that such a hell to me in language that I had to spit it out . (P. 28) First: anyone who loses the normal time for the bush to collect beetles and other abominations? What can provide this kind of perversion? Secondly, "hot liquid", which in the language of Charles hell - is not that the same solution, which poisons people's minds Darwinian phlegm? Infection continues and moves through the generations. Fear, fear and trembling.

6th Fantastic Darwin's theory comes from uncommon hatred its author to God. Proof of it is found also in the Autobiography. This is Darwin, not Dawkins, first hit the base of the Kingdom of God on Earth, demanding the diabolical fiddling heads of innocent children. It is written: Let the children come to me . If only Darwin Dawkins can become incarnate in the way of separating the innocent from the innocent!
Nor can we overlook the possibility of continued faith in God implanted in the minds of children, which has such a strong and probably inherited effect on their brains not yet fully developed, that just as hard for them to reject belief in God as monkey it is difficult to get rid of the instinctive fear and hatred of the serpent. (P. 47)
Istnie devilish cunning! Devilish cleverness! God - Child / Monkey - Snake, no word here is random, each has a deeply spiritual, metaphorical sense. Oh no, Darwin is not a common dummy! His job is to astutely Knut and - in view of the unleavened intellectual mediocrity of his salary - not on the same dates. Fantasist, rake, a liar, bugger, rat catcher, the follower type of monkey - zaprzedaniec devils, no doubt! What a naive count Stanhope, who is he supposed to ask Darwin Why do not you leave the geological and zoological hocków-blocks and will not return the pan to the occult? (p. 58) It is precisely through this "hocki blocks" the bandit, Darwin, all were turned toward the occult, grim and evil! The devil in the skin did not speak English in all his life, the word of truth, nor even a syllable of the word such could be skumpletować! And how many rams polazło behind the black sheep of a sordid, who is counting?

7th makes me difficult to clear and strict expressing the . (P. 74) lie! It's not difficult! This method of cunning rat, snake, monkey! It means to overturn turning everything possible to overturn turn! And if not, then the worse for Darwin. I mean, it is not clear and precise, how then do we know what happened to him rozchodziło with all this, Lord have mercy, natural selection?

8th Old Darwin complains regrettable loss of the higher aesthetic feelings . (P. 75) I do not have time to explain how it can be to the whole "work" This fantasy, neurotic and szatanisty. And what is such a thing at all attested. Please yourself extra money this quote appropriate ears.

end gifts, I hope that something useful from the list above to spread the godly work. For the rest I'm sorry. Good luck!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Life Expectany Of The Chicken Pox Virus

agonism, you idiot!

not known until the end, which led the leftist Paktofonika (especially the guys are totally indyferentni politically, which I checked with my own ears in Kalisz meeting with the characters and the author of the book), but the next (chronologically earlier) "Guide to Political Criticism," by Chantal Mouffe Fri "The political" in the translation Joanna Erbel leads quite clear ideas, transmits a clear message, though, and his left-wing is in some parts of the text is not quite obvious. But from the beginning.

Mouffe is one of the expressions of apology leftist political conflict, which - in the minds of its adherents - has the power of reanimation of democracy, wypłukiwanej effectively by dominant today (also in Poland in the implementation of the OP) model of doing politics. It is characterized by blurring of ideological differences - a classic blurring the division between left and right - and the establishment in that place of power technokratyczno-governance expert. Politics always has its "biased" dimension - people will not be interested in politics, if there is no choice between parties offering a real alternative. This is what is missing in contemporary praise for the democratic "impartiality". (p. 44)

symptom (and perhaps also the condition of possibility) and utechnokratycznienia odideologicznienia power is the precipitating element fundującego emotionality of her discourse. Meanwhile well-functioning democracy requires a clash of legitimate, democratic political positions. This is what has to rely confrontation between the left and right. It should be a source of collective forms of identification are able to mobilize political passions. (p. 45) There is no democracy without conflict, and the latter without the involvement of emotions for intersubjective exchange of ideas fundujących social attitudes. And that's why we Serenity prevailing "politics of love" is an effective tool of cynical disposition gained power, but at the same time, in a broader context, destabilizing the democratic project, fundujący power. Why destabilizes? Because blurring ideological differences in the entities internalized it (authority) as. A blurring of these differences is taking politics out of emotion. And choosing it from the emotional - takes its social attractiveness. And receiving the appeal - limited, rather than expanding, the strength of the mandate to exercise power on behalf of the sovereign.
As between the parties there is no fundamental difference, will try to sell their products invented by marketing and advertising agencies. The result will be the growing disenchantment with politics and the dramatic fall in participation in elections. How long will it be before people completely lose faith in the democratic process? (P. 79)
disturbed and disturbing the prospect of Mouffe calls the conflict, polarized positions, the return of ideology and the appeal of technology from the office of the First Practice wielding Designer.

idea of \u200b\u200bhow this conflict effectively yet safely return to the bosom of the policy is a key theme of the orange book. Safely - ie without getting naked violence (for which insisted strongly inspiring Mouffe and its Polish publisher of Carl Schmitt).
This idea is relatively simple and clear (thanks to the orange book is the booklet is rather bulky tomiszczem):
If we accept the irreducible stability of the antagonistic dimension of the conflict on the one hand, with the possibility of "tame" on the other hand, we must introduce tzreci type of relationship, which I propose to call "agonism". While antagonism is a type of relationship we / they, characterized in that the sides are enemies who do not share their points of reference, agonism is a relationship we / they, in turn, part of which, being aware of the impossibility of the existence of a rational solution to the conflict that divides them, they also legitimacy of their opponents. They're for themselves "enemies" and not enemies. This also means that despite the conflict parties perceive themselves as belonging to the same political association, as sharing the same symbolic universe. (P. 35)
Antagonistic distinguish us / them creates enemies (and hostility), agniczne distinguish us / them and creates enemies. The opponent is someone who is impossible to agree on the ideas for the design of a common world (because the ideological differences that we are different, they have no rational basis, involving emotions reinforce an irrational policy of the leg), but who can (and therefore need to) get along as to the conditions in which leads to dispute about the shape of the world. And if you can get along with him, it means that it recognizes its subjectivity. Recognition of the distinction as the enemy opponent and the opponent (I have a feeling that Mouffe, Schmitt was inspiring about a completely different idea, but let this one). Do you have something important to say in this matter? can say that democracy is the task of transforming the antagonistic relationship agoniczne. (p. 36)

Mouffe then deals with academics who are not aware of the democratic core antagonistic regulation order, or seeing them in working towards its destruction, thus unwittingly working for the destruction of democracy itself. It gets mostly Giddensowi a "third way" and Beck as "subpolitykę, the Hardt / Negriemu for" Empire "and the multitude .

goes even further with morality as a tool of politics. Specifically: to replace the ideology of the registry records of morality in the practice of political debate. This, according to Mouffe, along with strategies to blur the ideological differences and replacing them with expert discourse, the most serious threat to democracy. What is it? In short, it's about all measure of "men of honor" and "little people", "civilization of life" and "axis of evil", a stigmatizing moral opponents (and signed by their political projects), significantly contributing to push them beyond the pale of public discourse.
When politics is played in the register of morality, antagonism can not take the form agonicznej. Just as the opponents are not defined on the basis of political, but moral, can not be seen as "enemies", but only as "enemies." "Bad" they are not suitable for agonicznej debate and must be exterminated. (P. 92)
Such recognition in Poland is quite recent date, has taken place during the so-called glory. Fourth Republic, and his voice came from the various perspectives of interpretation, which rub up nicely today, breaking the ideological hegemony of neo-liberal economic and cultural superstructure.

last part of the text relates to translate the ideas of Mouffe agonism in global politics. The author recognizes postpolityczny cosmopolitan nature of the perspective and subjected her to criticism:
Implementation of cosmopolitan right, no matter in what form it occurs, will end up applying to the whole world one, the liberal-democratic model. In essence, this means subjecting more people under the control of the West, supporting the statement that this model is best suited for the implementation of human rights and universal values. (...) And this will be the emergence of strong resistance and dangerous antagonisms. (P. 121)
Not much is known from reading, from the author's knowledge about the cosmopolitan city of determinism, a view in one direction in the shackles of "one, the liberal-democratic model." Nor do we know too much, what's wrong with the universality of the processes of emancipation, aimed to "the implementation of human rights and universal values." Apparently, in the words of Mouffe once again give voice to some form of ethnocentrism and cultural diversity, favoring the happy due to us (still only) regionally basic rights. Maybe my questions are not covered in the views of Mouffe, this is your problem that can not be regarded as unfounded by the reading of "politics," too many easily expressed opinions critical of the courts and the universalist cosmopolitanism strategy, too superficial treatment by the author lansowanego alternative model. (...) It is essential dispense with the illusion of a united world and work toward the establishment of a multipolar world order . (P. 134). But exactly what is going on? Does the "illusion of a united world" includes, according to Mouffe, globally universal education, the emancipation of those different types of chauvinism? Secularism is part of the illusion? And animal rights? Do you enjoy can (if ever be fought), only the European cows and pigs? Is a "multipolar world order" is the idea of \u200b\u200b"respect for cultural differences," even if certain aspects of those cultures - in the name of universal values - In any respect does not deserve? This is a paragraph "imaginary God" , who fits me like nothing else here:
constantly encounter (...) [with] a tendency to a fascination with the difference of ethnic beliefs and customs, and this includes the justification committed crimes on their behalf . The attitude of many otherwise enlightened liberals and good happens at that point truly schizophrenic. On one hand, we can not accept the suffering and violence, on the other, postmodern and relativistic beliefs dictate respect for other cultures no less than his own. Treatment kliteroktomii is, there is no doubt horribly painful and makes a woman ceases to feel sexual pleasure (in fact mainly in the matter). I think with half of the enlightened, decent people with liberal views would prohibit these practices. The second half however, with "respect" for other cultures believe that we should not interfere, when "they" want to mutilate "their" girls. But the problem is that we forget that these "their" girls are actually "own" the girls, whose own desires, we should not ignore. (Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion, Switch. Szwajcer PJ, ed. CiS, Warsaw 2007, p. 439)
That is, it is! Mouffe does not buy the reason for the defense of liberal democracy, human rights, universal values \u200b\u200bthat stand out, spokesmen for the transmission of hen, in the wide world. The point is that it is not because liberal democracy or human rights are cool, because they are ours, but because they constitute a set of tools in the heap to rectify the theoretical foundations of social life for the various abominations of this world, the type of physical violence, discrimination, chauvinism, rape , poverty, slavery. Every vote would undermine the meaningfulness of globalization and universalization of Western liberal ideological gains, even the most subtle (and Mouffe voice and it is unlikely such, it is difficult for subtlety when its concept is as the proverbial łebkach), pregnancy toward a relativistic idea of \u200b\u200brównofajność all, without exception, the concept of social life. I do not know whether it is specifically leftist. If so, I have at this point, the lack of an obvious left-wing.

Big Fish Games Hacken

bottleneck "Extended phenotype"

you can not read any of my other books, but this read is essential - an injunction refers to reading "extended phenotype" by Richard Dawkins on the back cover said a few words before the volume. A jam that you do not have a finite dawkinsiarz me was to read the oxen pull. And the fact that the whole thing is addressed primarily to Dawkins colleagues, not only did not discourage me, but even further mobilized by heating unhealthy ambition. Well, I say what? I'm not that kind of stretch of the expected utility of cognitive lekturki? If not me, then who?
Well, I gave up and let the reading hopeless. Thanks be to God Urojonemu, not a happy coincidence that he came up with "extended phenotype" as Dawkins's first book, which I have read! Nothing in the world I would not tell you at that time that "The Selfish Gene" or "unweaving rainbow" is interesting stuff! Give you peace of mind, as I umęczył I was at Oxford biologist, in his (by no means popular) scientific incarnation. Too much of the volume of text discussing with like-minded specami świergotka the Y chromosomes of meadow and other abominations, discussing with them on that level of expertise rozkminy that the ability of reading comprehension man not of this sect, though he tried to focus on power and must run to ruin, sooner or later. In my case, unfortunately, usually it was before.

toil for wages reading stubborn as a mule reader, which reads constantly, though long ago does not understand anything the last few chapters of the book brings, finally, as a cognitive benefit. It was there that Dawkins serves as "a layman Friendly " his theory of the extended phenotype of the title. In short, this goes Dawkinsu is that the phenotypic consequences of genotypic interactions back / can extend far beyond the borders of individual body, who is a "cover" (or, as the poetic industral-recognized author, machine replicators propagation), this particular genotype. In other words, the gene not only may "squeeze" eye color, coat color or other phenotypic characteristics of their own body, can also determine the behavior of certain of the body, resulting in the reorganization of the living environment (a good example of the beaver and its dam), and even affect the characteristics of effective tudziez phenotypic behavior of other organisms. Examples of such extension of the battlefield to a higher value Replication gives Dawkins a few, and każden more interesting than others. That, say, flukes, parasitic on the cochlea and forcing replication for their own interest (contrary to the interests of the cochlea counterpart) increasing the thickness of snail shells. Or scuds infected larvae kolcogłowa that behave not as implied by the interest of the vector, but on the contrary, that is contrary to their interests to the interests of the parasite. Or male mice (or maybe a rat? "I do not remember, sorry) that through appropriate pheromone act on the pregnant females in a way that make them a miscarriage. Or, finally, the influenza virus, which - quite possibly - forcing me to sneeze with your own promotion. Well, a lot of this is to trace, and the conclusion of the whole thing might look like this:
genes affect the proteins, which in turn affect the X, which affects the Y, which affects the Z, which ... affects us an interesting phenotypic cehcę. But in traditional genetics of X, Y and Z must be closed within the body of the individual. Rozszezrona genetics recognizes the arbitrariness of this decision and follows the X, Y, Z, and when their effects go from one body to another. (P. 292) Dawkins
news so bad mish-mash, a total mix of compounds the sum of the existing relationship between genotype and the amount of phenotypic effects in the form of bodies and behaviors of all kinds of living organisms. According to traditional genetics of this association is much simpler and limited to the entailment relationship between genotype and phenotype X X Dawkins sees the arbitrariness here, and, above it, constructs a very complex network of relationships between genes and bodies / behaviors. I think - he writes - that almost every feature bears the traces of a compromise phenotype interaction between internal and external replicators . (P. 310)

(...) defending the doctrine of the extended phenotype of the replicator, I was trying to undermine confidence in the reader to the view which views the body as a unit of relating the benefits of the adaptations . (P. 311) And in another mania: I have a feeling that the very concept of the extended phenotype was possible to articulate only through the rejection of this perspective, which is an organism / individual is the primary beneficiary of natural selection. How here and there, you know, old-fashioned view fights Dawkins the evolutionary importance of individual prymarne even more fiercely than the Lord God. In any case, my personal confidence in the evolutionary "osobnikowizmu" effectively have been challenged when taking a "selfish gene", and "extended phenotype" gained the impression of distant consequences genocentrycznego coup on the basis of evolutionary biology. And that is why reading this book is, after all, however, was a good gadget. Although the version of the popular science really could be close to one fifth of total volume.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sample Insurance Business Letter Of Introduction

Niedialogiczne buses and infallibility samoznośna

"Official" Arthur Ciechanowicz pen and "Election" Kinga Dunin - probably in preparation for the celebration of Darwin Day - have agreed to Łykend in promoting atheism. Although, traditionally scholar versed in the art of dialectical speculation, representatives of the camp for the Adversary imagined such a thing as "promoting atheism" react normally puts out the language. So too, as in the "Official" I read, the Union of Atheists and Freethinkers of Catalonia, the organizer of a local Atheist Bus Campaign , slipped on wytkniętym language was an act of Maria Casellas:
Atheists do not even realize they give us a favor by giving money to their campaigns. Thanks to you zagonieni all the people who move between work and home, remind yourself that there is also something else. They begin to think about God - he adds.
matter, let it be that the promotion of atheism by some postmodern version of a miraculous transfiguration became a promoter of religion. In any event, the two biggest Polish newspapers in their editions łykendowych accommodate wraży texts on the subject. The "Official" text on the abovementioned / English ateuszy linked combinations shares (under the patronage of Richard Dawkins' God-fearing), and their growing number of mainland followers. In addition to already quoted Mrs. Maria is worth paying attention to the statement of another representative of the camp UP on similar initiatives - unfortunately did not come to fruition - in Genoa:
Gianfranco Calabrese, who is responsible for the evangelization of the archdiocese, asked about the project shrugged. - These are methods that promote dialogue, others feed intolerance. This campaign will not lead to anything, because the desire to open confrontation is always a sign of intolerance - said one of the Italian news agencies.
But the priest is a pessimist, after all, the better for the Project "There is a God!" Let father take an example from Ms. Maria from Barcelona, let him translate his defeatism at its optimism! After all, the atheist roar threateningly, the more aggressive, provocative, insolent, insulting their performances are on all buses of the World, the more we must unite around basic issues the Church, not so? And this note: ateobusy do not have, I think, to "promote dialogue", but only atheism, godlessness. (In this sense it is definitely an expression of "willingness to open confrontation."'s The way it is with ateuszami and other Masons, they do not play as much as the openness and the opportunity to confront various Racyja.) Understand that from a certain perspective itself is no longer a mortal sin, much worse than intolerance (from the UP through the history of his people effectively uchowuje). But, again, I urge Mr. Calabrese and all other shaken but not mixed, and therefore firmly outraged: accept with dignity philosophical pluralism of the street, there are things worse in this world than the public expression of opinion on any subject, in any event, if the expression does not entail the use of hate speech.

is worth mentioning that the text Ciechanowicz paper appeared under the title "Holy War bus". Title the same text in the net is much more pronounced and evangelical (in the literal sense of bringing the good news). Bus war is over and its verdict more than obvious.

At roughly the same subject, or commenting ateobusową mental challenge, Kinga Dunin in "high heels" . To write the essay, as she says, inspired her next comment, this time home, the official UP:
with patronizing smile said that atheists are pathetic, because there is nothing they form represent only emptiness. Gospel truth! Maybe absolutely nothing wrong, but in an interesting area priest actually nothing. The rich mythology of religion, the cultural and literary values \u200b\u200bcan not be denied, opposed a-theism. A-theism. This prefix, despite what is often said here, does not mean a particularly negative attitude towards God or desire to fight it, it's not anti-theism. A-theism is a lack of interest for obvious reasons - to be something of interest, the object of interest must exist in such a way that he could latch on to him our mind. God is unknowable is as uninteresting as this non-existent, it's just a hole in our projections. Ms. Dunin
pierwszoklasowo provokes. However okołoreligijną provocation of the week and announce a decree BXVI so that by his own infallibility questioned the infallibility of JPII, returning to the bosom of several leading KK Lefebvre and behind them a large sekcinę anything. And so, once again in history, representing the worlds brightest minds in this vale, conclusively proved the existence of a most perfect Being. This proof is well known to readers, "not the tofu ..." since the slope above the survey of "Europe" on faith, and her voice over the Professor Bauman. He flies (an argument no voice) something like this: The more ridiculous something is, the more worthy of belief, amen. Thank God for Tertullian, he explains everything.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Heart Murmur And Irregular Heartbeat

"Political Criticism" wants to liberate animals, but is afraid.

made another appearance in accordance with the Declaration on the animal in the 15 block of text issue of "Political Criticism." The block has a title of "non-human politics" and not entirely "animal." Its theme is the right of all types of entities, or any such objects, which can be thought of as entities. From this perspective, the authors consider a number of reports human-animal, human-nature, man-machine interface, human-human fetus (fetus, a not-yet-man). (To all Przemyslaw Czaplinski adds an essay on "conformation" Brach-Czajny and "Lubiewo" Witkowski, but honestly I have no idea how it relates to the theme of the block. Maybe there was simply no better place in the current issue of this piece.)

whole has an interesting visual interlude: Sanja Ivekovic presents the work of "Faces of the language," which consists of pairs of photographs, depicting a woman with traces of violence were made on them, and females of different species. Pair of images linked by common title-descriptions. They are simply presented the names of species of animals, which - as somehow culturally made - in the world of interpersonal relationships also serve as a tool for bullying. Goose, goat, cow, hen, bitch, mare. The artist brings to the surface mechanism of deeply concealed in the catacombs of our culture: to possess the ability to "innocent" use of violence against another, it must first and foremost odczłowieczyć. Man - what he knows, each child brought up on the respect of the Pentateuch (the estimate does not mean, of course, knowledge) - is the highest earthly perfection. All other filth-ranked below the human level, like God himself skleconego, majesty. Hazing non-human animals is a daily bread homo sapiens, it is an old tradition and the old philosophy. Names of animals is therefore perfectly suited to the justification of violence carried out on the other, not just women, "Polish pigs", "German pigs," "Jewish pigs", "gay pigs." These pigs are a whole bunch of everyday language. Interestingly, as far as their status as creatures to be permanently stigmatized as-is to the biblical origins, and how much comes from the constant practice of treatment of these common animals in the food economy.

animal-political and starts reading from Kinga Dunin , which in the text Fri "Is empathy a leftist?" corresponds to the titular question, that is. You obviously read the political consequences of such a settlement, even without having to look to the text, if empathy is a leftist, a right-wing does not know what is empathy. What is empathy (and altruism - in the text Dunin also appears that the concept) does not know or (neo) liberal laissez-faire. Since the right hand of ethology is chosen with empathy, in which it finds its biological basis? The "hate and stadności!
"On these emotions builds its strength right-wing conservative. However, the liberals of the variety available to us to elect an individual to feel selfish." (p. 62)

Well, the manifestation of genetic fajności salary niefajności left and birth defects in the political opponents is impressive, impressive bio-political scandal. However, there is concern that, despite the willingness of the left most (including, perhaps especially the environment, "Political Criticism"), or she so sympathetic, as she seemed (especially interesting to me here in the sphere of relations of human-subhuman), nor the Right Such insensitive. Examples of the inaccuracy nieempatyczności right: (1) the involvement of staff of "Diary" on issues related to environmental protection, (2) below gossiped about the number of Znak, (3) Lech Kaczynski's happening with the release of Christmas carp into the wild (though the other men do not have sure if it's not a simple decal hypocritical crib with life dziękczynnemu turkey pardon by the President of the U.S. I hope that Kaczynski was somewhat honest), (4) performance in the previous mentioned book by Tomasz Pietrzykowski dispute over animal rights Katowice 2007, which the motto no quote from Isaac B. Singer: "For animals all people are Nazis, and the world an endless Treblinka," and in the introduction, which we read inter alia:
Reliable description of the facts, real ways to treat animals in their daily practice by using them in enough industries for this to realize that the issue of "liberation" of animals is not only inverts wydumanym pseudoproblemem attention away from really serious social issues, but elementary moral challenge with which everyone must deal fairly and treating seriously the value declared by them man, whose silence and lack of interest in an agreement in practice (if not complicity) to support this "endless Treblinka." (Pp. 13-14)
Pietrzykowski Or so he did not know that it is lewakiem, or empathy is not a leftist, and most left-wing sometimes (okay, the truth that much more often than right), empathic.

To naturalistic agenda of this blog I also noted that empathy, stadność, altruism, selfishness is not a metaphysical machetes, which may be the wave of political struggle, but the concept of a body of science. And if nevertheless cultivates their ideology, it is worth keeping in mind their obosieczność. Neither selfishness is not as scary as it seems a metaphysical moralists, nor snow, and empathy as given by the creator. All these adaptations and chasing for replication.

Tokarczuk pomieszczonych is the author followed by "Animal Masks." The text begins with a paragraph calling for absolutizing animal suffering: the suffering and death
easier for me to bear than the suffering of the animal. Man has its own extensive, rozgłoszony all and sundry ontological status, which makes it a species privileged. It has culture and religion to support him in suffering. It has its rationalizations, and sublimation. He has a God who will save it in the end. Human suffering is meaningful. For the animal there is neither comfort nor relief, because there is no salvation awaits him. There is also no sense. The animal's body does not belong to him. The soul does not exist. Animal suffering is absolute, total. (P. 63) It puts
made the same sharp jerk cuglami social reflexivity. Until then, the movement built on an ethic of animal liberation has a lot of trouble in the dissemination of the thesis of the equivalence of human and animal suffering (although there is on this strong and day by day strengthening scientific knowledge.) Meanwhile Tokarczuk radically, 180 degrees, reversing the situation, and proclaims the superiority of animals in art pain and suffering. The thesis as much fun as controversial. Granted, that animals suffer when it (most likely) suffer more, because (most likely) do not know the cause of his pain. Nothing is so greatly enhances not suffering, as the fear flowing from ignorance and powerlessness, which directly follows this ignorance. (By the way remind concerned that fear as a component of animal suffering is good posted Wajrak discussed below in the 'Mark'.) But the shape, What matter is Tokarczuk, is worrying for the same reasons, with which I had a problem before with Kinga Dunin: made absolute animal suffering may lead to bring the whole matter of metaphysical astray. Cause animal suffering writer wears at the start of a mythical figure. I am not sure whether the tactic is the happiest idea. On the other hand I understand that Tokarczuk esteem can have strategic considerations, not to be a writer to dwell on battle plans.

Then followed a few paragraphs by way of introduction to the history of ideas on the status of the animal throughout history, from "przedsokratejskiej Greece" by St. Thomas, Descartes, Kant, Bentham. Then Tokarczuk longer stops at peterz Singer - the most radical contemporary etyku known dazzlingly logical chain of arguments in favor of animal rights (p. 65) - mainly to, strongly rationalistic konstatując his insight into human-animal relationships , confront him with prozwierzęcą literature John Maxwell Coetzee'go , with "the lives of animals." When Singer to change the paradigm recommends tenacious, analytical the work of reason, Coetzee suggests work on the level of emotions and an overall ideological change through what he calls "insight."
Costello [fictional heroine of "Lives of Animals" - Reb.] Seems to belong to the people who saw, realized, or perhaps better to say they saw some basic, frightening nature of the world, because the word "see" one-off implies, the act of perception singleness . The fact that it can not see every day that we're missing, it does not freezes in terror, is amazing. Is that strongly defense mechanisms work - all these colloquialisms, pragmatic arguments, but also those that are found for example in the writings of Descartes and Thomas Aquinas? Can this simple human fear of the shock, perceptual habit of laziness, lack of reflection, the comfort of ignorance? Enough for us simply that the world is concerned, that is what it is. But our perceptual passivity is moral significance because it perpetuates the evil. Not wanting to see, we become partakers of evil and accomplices. The effort is moral and in essence, cognitive effort - we have C l see a new, painful way. (Pp. 1968-1970)
Finally, Singer and the next Coetzee'go - Costello, Tokarczuk points to Jane Goodall as a figure representing a third alternative way to replace the present paradigm antyzwierzęcego prozwierzęcy in the future.
Singer goes wide treaty - a way for everyone. We all have the ability to reflect and know how to use reason. His reasoning can be applied so that it became accessible to people of different cultures and ages. I can imagine a version for children who are in school ethics classes [especially since it is now available in Polish appropriate literature, in which This role is the first chapter of the first volume of "Tour of philosophical Stephen Lava - Reb.].
Costello Road is narrower, which she herself is fully aware of it. Why is it, what for some seems to be repulsive and scary, the other brand does not move? Maybe we're mentally differently built, can experience the world at different levels, maybe our sensibility is innate and can not be trained. Why did not everyone has the capacity to empathize, and many people simply do not understand what he says the older writer and eventually non-existent.
And finally, Jane Goodall - it's very narrow path reserved for those who have the sensitivity, the senses, intellect and integrity to penetrate prejudices and illusions. Look through these strange masks [animal masks - Reb.] And see where other, incomprehensible, and being close to us, such as animals. (P. 76) Thus ends
Tokarczuk essay, and the ending is perhaps has a cognitive value, even though I'm not sure about this. If, however, has this so that explains why Peter Singer, and no one else (no one else from the list Tokarczuk anyway) under the patronage of the liberation movement of animals. Notwithstanding the fact that they każden us no salary mental aim of the movement is political, and revolutionary. A policy should be cultivated by plowing berets greatest possible air raid carpet.

Slawomir Masłoń publish the text Fri "Reason and its antipodes: Coetzee, Singer and animal rights." So, roughly, on the same subject as its predecessor. It is a pity that the editors had committed to such double wins, though the text Masłonia (prepared by the author of the Guide on KP Coetzee'go ) anything more than Tokarczuk breaks away from the titular names and positions, combining reflective in its own way. These combinations are formally at times difficult to digest, and even merits tend to be annoying. Here's how Masłoń defines the core problem with Animal Liberation Movement :
Contrary to what Singer says that this is a political movement and vegetarianism and veganism is the best method of boycott today of power, which is the market, it is the ideology of the status quo, which is seeking to change our eating habits, hopes that everything else is business as usual. (...) The animals are treated as objects not primarily because people are stupid (irrational) habits, but because they are privately owned (and remember that it is a holiday), and the highest form of rationality of capitalism is profit. (...) It is therefore not in the Singer case, it is consumption (change of diet) is replaced by a policy - we are dealing with the movement, which pre-market subordinated to reason, whose consumption is at the heart and solemn duty, because "there is no alternative" . (Pp. 85-86)
(With quotes cut the lengthy piece, with the assumption of an example to wander skrytokapitalistycznego Singer as a reactionary. The example concerns the general weakness of the argument for vegetarianism from hunger in the world, resulting from waste plant food resources for the production of less energy efficient on balance of meat and dairy products. Same objection to this argument seems to be accurate, but what has that to do the heart of the problem with the Animal Liberation Movement not quite understand.)
So says Masłoń, animal liberation movement is not a political movement, because it strikes at the base prevailing economic regime. It is Traffic status quo ideology. Rather than put up with capitalism, seeking to change within the system. Therefore, as a pisło, this is not a political movement.
Cisna numerous allegations.
first I note the above reasoning as a grotesque example of the inaccuracy of intuition Kinga Dunin empatyczności on the left. For Masłonia problem is not unnecessarily (but profitable, and therefore) reproduced the suffering of millions of animals. His problem is to push an ideology. Has the audacity to assess the animal liberation movement as a movement to defend the status quo and deny its political role, precisely because it does not fit within the framework adopted by Masłonia ideological borders. Where is the supposedly typical leftist, combine the empathy in Masłoniowym? She's not an ounce.
second Masłoń, which after all is to judge the movement of pro-animals as "politically" because no anti-capitalist, it seems not to understand completely, nay, not even to know something about what peroruje. Because animal liberation movement is not just, and (even today) is not primarily Singerowska "pro-animalsiarza bible." This grass-roots resistance movement, fighting against the very (and not according to ) market principle, declaring that animals are property. That is why this movement - whose most famous radical arm of the network of local groups direct action: Animal Liberation Front - called liberation movement animals, not ruchem ich wykradania . Jak pisze tutaj Steven Best,
Animal liberation is the culmination of a vast historical learning process whereby human beings gradually realize that arguments justifying hierarchy, inequality, and discrimination of any kind are arbitrary, baseless, and fallacious. Moral progress occurs in the process of demystifying and deconstructing all myths - from ancient patriarchy and the divine right of kings to Social Darwinism and speciesism - that attempt to legitimate the domination of one group over another. Moral progress advances through the dynamic of replacing hierarchical visions with egalitarian visions and developing a broader and more inclusive community Ethical. Having Recognised the Illogical and unjustifiable rationales used to oppress blacks, women, and other disadvantaged groups, society is beginning to grasp That speciesism is another unsubstantiated forms of Oppression and Discrimination.
Well, whether the abolitionist movement is not inherently a political movement? Does "being political" simply means "to be anti-capitalist"? What is the status quo wants to keep the Animal Liberation movement , since the foundation is a revolutionary movement, changing (seeking change), social relationships on a global scale? Masłoń does not understand that moving targets are simply prozwierzęcego distinct from the broader objectives of the Left. Animal liberation movement does not treat the abolition of capitalism as their promised land. Animal liberation movement - please try to imagine it yourself - seek the liberation of animals, nothing else, and consider the dispute with capitalism (which may be seen) as a more or less effective tool rozpierduchy Abolitionist, or even as a condition of possibility of the latter. From the perspective of an abolitionist prozwierzęcego Masłoń, who is not seeking the liberation of animals, but only to abolish the property is not only dangerous utopian, but it can only be apolitical apologist for the status quo.
Masłoń Singer judges as the flywheel of the capitalist ideological strategy: after all, Singer urges to consume! Consuming differently, but they consume! Regime rubbing his hands, and making fun of Masłoń Singer, that he had been caught up in the promotion of capital, the policy changed to "change the menu." This mockery apparently suggests that, according to Masłonia there life beyond consumption. If so, then even better. Let consistently follow this path, and perhaps the world proves that not only do not have to eat the pigs, but carrot: Also, I'm too! That

issue on which he writes, he knows Masłoń weak and likely did not read even the most important texts published in Polish, also comes to light here:
Animal rights are not, strictly speaking, animal rights, because they can not be a source of animals . The law is not something that objectively exists, but is formed by insisting on it, so when people ask for animal rights, they are actually right man, not animals. (P. 87)
truism for nieobiektywnego character of the law does not contradict in any way the possibility of having the rights of animals. Moreover, the conventionality of law as the foundation of the institution guarantees the animals to have them. We agreed on the fact that the basic condition for the possibility of establishing a legal entity to have its interests. Ultimately it is the violations are of interest to the institution of law. What
inability to claim the animal's own rights, without making specific findings noted here that even infants and the mentally patients are not able to claim rights for themselves, which, hopefully, in the eyes of Masłonia not prejudge anything special. The problems associated with the idea of \u200b\u200banimal rights is discussed extensively in the 18th issue of "Ethics" in 1980.

Next up for Agata Czarnecka stopped reading the text Fri "Pornowegetarianizm. Empathy that the author just can not be denied. Empathy than analytical skills. On the question of what it means to eat meat? corresponds thus:
Series imperceptible (or rather, not perceived) of the decision prior to an order of rabbit stew, tripe and steak include: the idea that what I do well, a decision that the argument that something I do well, it entitles me to take action to obtain that thing, the distinction of species (even a man-cannibal eating another man, knows what he's doing, and This knowledge gives flavor to the dish, probably the same with each other rather faint), setting their own species above and usurpation of power over life and death of other species, the decision to use the power of this, a decision that someone should do it for me, I did not see / a a series of bloody consequences of my own krwiożerczości; granting authority over the life of the animal to someone who takes responsibility for his death. (P. 90)
Czarnecka anything bałamuci reader when constructing classification vegetarians, lists "vegetarian against chlewniom" (I understand that it is a protest against the great "animal factories" because if not that, I do not know what, but less with it) and writes about them, as follows: "this type of vegetarians usually do not have anything against the venison or fish niehodowlanym" (p. 92). Blood in man storm when reading such stories. Vegetarianism by wiki is "the type of diet is characterized by excluding food products origin of meat and possibly eggs or dairy products from the motives of moral, ethical or health. "I can stick it up, really. For a moment it appears that everyone, without exception, we are vegetarians for a long time, but did not know it.
Apart from this flower not bad, in any event can not help but agree with the article's argument:
Popular attitudes mostly vegetarian recognize one of two forms of power - an expression of protest or in respect of torture, sentencing to death of animals, or to the livestock industry, animal sentencing prepared their lives. Veganism or a radical form of vegetarianism (eating only eggs with a "0", the consumption of products from goat's milk or sheep), applied on a large scale will require a radical transformation of food systems and with them the whole economy - without it could be disastrous from the point view the progress of social justice. However, perhaps the only chance for deconstruction of the two vectors of power over the animals, the power over death and power over their lives. (P. 94)
The last part of the work the author takes the project vegetarian consumer boycott of the problem "of industry porn, "which - like meat and dairy industry -" almost always is a powerful engine of power and violence. "Subject to a separate development, rather than trójakapitowy paragraph, which may be the main function is to justify the strong aesthetically title.

Another text : Donna Haraway, "Laboratory animals and their people." reads the horrible, like all Americans, copying text in the manner of the French cultivation of the humanities. In short: the thing is about vivisection. The author tries to establish a new model of relations between humans and laboratory animals . According to this model the animals are to be regarded as "working parties" (p. 112). Do not use the lab animals, but their "use" and their "work." Category of work, Haraway argues, allows a new way to look at the problem of inflicting pain, suffering and death in lab animals.
suspect that a greater opportunity to build a responsibility towards other animals and gives them enhanced job categories than the category of rights, and their entanglement in the essential similarity, analogy, calculus, and honorary membership in the enlarged human abstraction. (...) Taking animals seriously as workers (...) is probably something new, and may allow us to stop killing machines. (P. 105)
trouble is that the author does not seem to look for a way to stop the "killing machine". Seeking answers to a lot less ambitious question: "how multispecies laboratory work practices may be less lethal, less painful and more saturated freedom for all employees?" (P. 109) Seeking, looking, and in my opinion does not discover anything sensible. But, most of the carnivorous habit of humanists who are concerned about the interests of animals more than vegetarians, undermines rejection of the meat / dairy from the diet:
Although we have tried to distance themselves from this fact, there is a way of life that does not entail the death of someone - not just "something." Vegans are not from the downstream than anyone else, and their efforts geared to avoid eating or dressing up in animal products sprowadziłby most of the animals to a protected heritage item muzealnie or condemn them to extinction of species and individual. (P. 112)
So: enough that prokapitalistyczny, maintaining the status quo, then this acting against the interests of animals! Eating animals as a form of concern for their "quality and individual" survival - I love it! (In the next sentence after the quoted author adds: "I do not deny that, vegetarianism, veganism, and opposition to experimentation on sentient animals can be convincing positions within feminism. I do not agree, however, to constitute a feminist dogma." I understand that consistency is a feminist identity Haraway rate much higher than the insight into the quality of life of all sentient beings.)
After Criticism provides excerpts from Giorgio Agamben Fri "Open" in the translation Agatha pea. I'll probably book in its entirety (it is preparing to issue a universitas) and at that time about her experience, so here, just for flavor, jednen short lc:
Just because something like animal life have been separated within man, that distance and proximity animal were measured and known primarily in what is most intimate and personal, may be contrasted with a man other living beings and at the same time create a complex - and not always edifying - the economics of the relationship between humans and animals.
(...) the question of how - within the man - man has been separated from a pet nieczłowieka from the human, it is more urgent task than to take a stance in the great debates about the alleged values \u200b\u200band human rights. (P. 125-126), Edwin
Bendyk in the text Fri "Man - Titanium" writes about the expanding field of subjectivity in both parties, that is, toward the human-animal-and post-human machines. He writes about it, because I write about things that you need, because the "performance of a modern, liberal biopolitical discourse, based on scientifically based standards governing the status of the person and its wide subjectivity, collapses' (P. 140), and rightly collapses. Therefore, "time to put the question on the possibility of a political project, which would allow the articulation of interests, not only humans but also in the discourse entities having the status of a modern silent objects" (p. 148). This is a question which has been struggling with Bruno Latour, developing a "politician of Nature project, which would be to renew the concept of democracy by its openness to the articulation of other non-human interests" (p. 148).
extension of the collective social non-human objects do not have to rely on the fact that animals, humans and robots sat at one table. He has to rely on the renewal of the idea of \u200b\u200brepresentative democracy, which enable the articulation of the collective interests of the participants by representatives who are able to stories of their stakeholders. (P. 148)
I am very curious how this plan is theoretically justified in Latour book, which is preparing to issue a political critique.
theme raised by Bendyk Maciej Gdula then moves to the text "No-humane allies." I do not have nothing to reproach him, but nothing particularly weighty to comment, so I conclude, politely thanking all doczytującym to this place and I fall snack slice of bread with pate celery and pumpkin seeds, spreads, award-winning laurels in 2008.