Je-dy-dy-den, dy-dy-dy-two, trying to post, on each. The show about the script for the film is full "You are God" by Maciej Pisuka issued a series of guides, "Political Criticism" . Buy not bought, but borrowed read, can not bake reading went, but quite interesting.
This is not about the lengthy analysis, but it is worth noting that (1) scenario This film genre for the purpose of making the film. The scenarios should be sold in bookstores for a separate film directors. It's hard to have a very big laugh from reading the idea for the film. Nevertheless (2) free Pisuka arms when working imagination. You could then imagine a movie in its own way. This has the advantage that the artificial image is much greater chance of being good, than its possible real implementation (which scenario sincerely wish). And, of course, simply because that usually dominates the idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing it. Anyway: if you read the script it's best to sync the film in his head.
My film was not even cool, but little about the plots. Well, there are three guys are young, Jaraj to rhyming. One is already recognized (but the second, Rah, did not take up out of nowhere, after all, about the text is not a word, moreover, the characters are fairly shallow at all scratched, średniawka - say one or another of Pisuka scenes heroes), all have their problems associated with life in the capital of Upper Silesia, in blocks, with the girls, with the consequences of amorous ecstasy in fertile days, cwaniakami who do not unleash your finger from the pulse szołbiznesowej prosperity and have a great instinct for buying a sophisticated ability to teenagers in the pit to sell them at the top. To the suicide of one of them ... Okay, this is arcyinteresujący cord feature. Only that first little merit in its creation Pisuka (because it has the truth, nothing of the audience), and secondly in the book - released for smoke socially involved in publishing - I was waiting for a socially moral bearing. On the creation of an apology after all, or on the mammalian reflex criticism of the business, not stopping at nothing, what stinks potential hacks to do, despite the circumstances. I do not know, I'm confused KP logo on the cover simply guess. If it produced a normal person would have a capitalist economy relax while reading. And I was looking for the interpretation of the situation at the level of articulation and the leftist's great I do not fell, hence the slight annoyance at the end. (My impression is that much more important to reflect on the events comes from the rhyme PFK "recipes" Pokahontaz than this book.)
But I appreciate the art of marketing publisher: the book has caused quite a stir, read the title of appointments here and there. This is important for the brand. Even before When to worry about in a meeting with Szczuka and Żakowski if KP does not intend to endorse the ideological SLD, and yet a pleasant surprise: it's not KP is an ass, she is on the threshold of the Depression gracko closure on the back of the legend of a great album. Krytycznopolitycznych strategists estimate for development, which is a think-tank think-tank!
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