Today's "Europa" deflects from the faith, specifically from faith to faith, more specifically, from faith to faith Editor Krasovsky in - of course of Mount question - the wisdom of the Nation as to ultimate issues. The editor of the editorial wonders title: "The success of the Vistula River God or just defeat his enemies?" true that lovely alternative? Nothing but nothing to celebrate unshakable thoughts from the subordination of Good Books.
is then himself, in half an extensive release, questionnaires, and her name "God and reason" .
We asked for the faith of liberal intellectuals, from conservative to leftist ostensibly to see what the intellectual tradition of victory in independent Poland. As the half-century of communism and two decades - apparently - so laicyzującej belonging to the West, it looks like the ratio of the Polish elite to religion . And what is it? turns out that the metaphysical anxiety of the Polish intelligentsia is the natural state of mind. Atheism, until recently fashionable belief that, apart from nature is not nothing that any of us ever wither like a leaf, and make sense of this process is not worth even investigate, in Poland is not accepted .Oh, and fashionable, until recently, the belief that outside of nature there is nothing. Bier was the definition of the benefit of inventory (eventually anything that does not shed) and ask: when she was so fashionable? Is it correct editor-at times past? Even if among the, Lord have mercy Delusion, nomenklatura elite fashion for atheism was in fact widespread, it is what it has in common with the thinking of holding a philosophical position? But maybe try applied at this point, a handy category of conformism? Is conformity (understood not in Humanities and, as a biological adaptation, but I do not know whether it is fitting in "Europe" brandishing such vulgar language) does not explain more and better?
And when it comes to social reality after the end of '89 is the less I understand what the author wants to say. Because after my atheism, if you already pay for this worldview pełnokrwistego patch fashion is not fashionable until recently, but rather more recently. Okay, I do not find evidence of it in today's edition Yevropy. But look at the monthly łypiąc list of popular bestsellers attention is drawn to the fact that the most virulent Dawkins under the sun does not go with them since its Polish edition, and its great commercial success pushed the publisher of other books by Dawkins - the long time not seen on the market - to their resume. Only the "Blind Watchmaker" apparently went blind in Poland at the publisher and resume (with a coarse remark under the name of the author: "By God's imaginary" does not see it), but the allegrzaku price for the first edition has long shot into the empty sky transcendent.
Perhaps this is so that the anger Krasowski entire stock of "God phantom" and other buying Dawkinsów years, "Miller and Urban," but should also take into account the different możebność: so. new atheism is an offer and bought to be taken very seriously by the people of this land. While I understand that it is difficult to reconcile this, in turn, the possibility of the other elements of the body światoobrazu Krasowski, especially with such a flower here: promoted to the new faith of scientific knowledge has had a spectacular failure ; scientific mind proved unable to compete with religion and philosophy. Walks on the heights of metaphysical humanism conservative Krasovsky apparently lost contact with reality. But
but editorial editorials (thank you, Mr. Editor!), And the waiting time survey. And in the same sizeable caliber (as usual in Tygodnik EIN) names. In order of appearance in the columns: Holland, Singer, Sierakowski, Krzeminski, Huelle, Bielik-Robson, Bauman, Wodzinski, Chwin, King, Lagow. Just poczepiam of some of them, yet again
still too early to czepnę pożegnanego Editor. To him, I ask you, with the votes in the poll comes out that they were all in unison to affirm his version of the facts: Polish This intelligent animals suffering from chronic ailments religious, or at least metaphysical nature. That Chrzanowski, Gowin, George - it's well known, but it's not just enlightened wykładającym clearly a revelation. Krasowski is also deeply religious people in Sierakowski, Baum and Łagowskie, and for Bielik-Robson makes interpretation of the miracle uncovering deeply religious nature of the old Marx! Man begins to understand how the Editor express prejudice against science, it probably confuses you learn from the humanities, accustomed to the practice of interpretative tricks. Then turn the honor, learning to survive as obsolete, as he gave evidence najdowcipniejszy colleague Sokal.
Okay, jadymy with religion and reason in the interpretation of Polish intellectuals seeking to enter the arcane jaspersowskich in seventh heaven. Agnieszka Holland was hesitant, but with all these fluctuations from the child's own stunned me a radical and aggressive atheism - the belief that one can know for sure . Either I or her director, one of the two of us kuma not sure what is atheism. (There is also a third możebność: the laws of logic do not work at this level of discussion, which we will explain later, one of the invited respondents.) If I, as an atheist, entertained a similar belief, namely, that "one can know for sure," I would be stunned. And the discreet charm of the orders of language mixing in a single sentence (which comes, I feel the whole animating imagination intelektualistyczną
theological reflection of negative theology and the ontological proof of the head). What do we talk when we talk about certainty? It's about truth, which is a final and if the truth of life that make it easier in practice, so. life?
Co. wrote Pawel Spiewak, I know - of course "for sure" - and without reading what they wrote, so I gave a reading of his response. Similarly, I have sinned by omission of the two esteemed writers. Literature not read every day and on average I do not care what they have to say on the great feast. Well, even if the answer Stasiuk, or Masłowska or Podsiadło ... no because there's nothing Lem says, happily for Krasovsky probably.
good there, the singer is Sierakowski. To him I have nothing, everything is gites, his story is based on an intolerable fascination Badiou captivates me. But what he did with words Sierakowski editor, calling for the court before the tribunal of the lightest of Reason. But no time must suffice my personal decree: shoot!
Slawomir Sierakowski Polish intellectuals present themselves as older than the people who abused religion for all sorts of purposes, although they remained summer. Doing it just to the background Kolakowski, Adam Michnik and junior right-wing "followers sloterdijkowskiego cynicism" deliver their own profession of faith, fervent, and more authentic.Krasowski editor-in is worth recalling that the respondents talk about "God and understand", not "faith and understanding." Is the distinction Krasowski these two orders? It seems that no distinction, and it shows him as the worst. Not because it not proper to make no distinction (although in fact, an intellectual would feel to discern, distinguish, even if being loved than being), but because he inadvertently reads the letter, which zawiaduje. Uprzedźmy accidents, Professor Bauman:
Faith is a wider concept than religion, which is a special faith in the existence of God. The concept of "faith" refers to any pre-loan trust, the certainty that something or someone does not disappoint us, that on something or someone we can rely on and that something will happen, as it must happen.Consent? Agreed. How do I define my fervent belief Sierakowski? And yes:
faith is always defending certain principles in the name arbitrarily taken - and not the supposedly derived from the findings of expert - a decision on its merits. Otherwise it disappears ethical dimension of such a decision. Conversion to the faith is tantamount to political empowerment. There is no ethics without faith and politics is not without faith. Belief in God as the belief in a possible better future, in some respects is similar - it is faith in something that does not exist. Authentic faith is not applicable to the facts, but its unconditional ethical obligation.Where's Kolakowski? Michnik Where? Where young right-wingers? Where the Crimea, Rome and where and what to gingerbread the windmill? If Sierakowski in this issue is to confirm our intuitions Krasovsky the current stage zmetafizyczenia Polish intellectual, then, verily, I say to you, all this confirms what the mountains and so on the first day of creation is known.
Then I did a Agata Bielik-Robson. I guess I stop to read it after this show. Not that I learned something interesting about her preferences metaphysical (read out since it is considered to stop reading, then you know what and how in this case), this is a leeched trumpets przysłowiowemu bear. This may Talmudic capacity prądkują Professor Singer and attack healthy organisms? And so, the methodology of hermeneutics she 's got a rotary in white-tailed eagles - what was indicated tutej somewhere before - the old Marx. Read, therefore, Mrs. Professor, when she reads a converted communist:
even in Marx's religion, especially the messianic, by which I meant here, appears as an important source of inspiration. Marx himself is remembered only that the "Contribution to Hegel's Philosophy law, "said his famous diagnosis:" Religion is the opium of the masses, "and forget that it is a sentence taken out of context, all of which is:" Religious action is an expression of real distress, is a protest against him. Religion is the sigh of the captive creatures, is the heart of a heartless world, the spirit of soulless age. "So, if religion is indeed the opium of the masses, it is only because it is the only store in the promise of higher happiness .The professor will allow me to give faith (yes, yes, people who believe they are scientists, and even atheists , which provides Christmas "Quite." Only if "On" knows "for sure"?), The more his memory, though weak, than the interpretation ekwilibrystyce, but strong. Poor memory support with a quote from heavy book and check what it is removing from the context and what you insert into it. Biere in this paragraph with the following Marx quoted by Mrs professor (in another translation, sorry):
True happiness of the people requires the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people. Require someone to abandon illusions about his situation that is required to abandon a situation which without illusions can not get away. The criticism of religion is therefore in embryo the criticism of that vale of tears, because religion is the halo of sanctity of this valley of tears.Does this paragraph does not explain better what Marx has in mind when talking about the "opium of the people"? In my opinion, yes, definitely. Marx Religion is the opium of the people and it means exactly that people are truty opium and it's not cool. I remove words from the context under the guise of rebuilding the context zdestruowanego advance does not change anything in the "definitely" worth the faith opinion that Marx was not suppressed suppressed deep faith in religious faith. Amen.
Zygmunt Bauman
metafizyczy also the best:
The message of the Gospel can believe it or not. Leadership and logic have little to things here. The Gospel is full of the offending reason - and not about the resurrection, or the immaculate conception mostly goes, but a matter over which the scribes had to break your head in vain for centuries: how to reconcile the omnipotence and omniscience of God with panoszeniem evil, his goodness and agape with human misery and suffering? Such "absurd" a human niesamowystarczalności show, especially failure of the human mind (happening the things that the human mind can not comprehend, the things about which philosophers have not dreamed of ...) - and thus indirectly prove the existence of not only what the need, necessity, inevitability of God ...Well, absurd (why the quotation marks?) Prove God's existence is not so much as its inevitability. At the same time "proving and logic have little to things here." And I still can not agree on such cardinal simplification and donation boxes for the loser of the dispute. And I ask: why a man of reason renounce the fundamental rational rozkminie znośności non-logical terms of all the machinery available to bring to reason? (Dennett in "disenchant" writes a few sentences
duties on "atletyzacji religious faith", I think that the case of Bauman is a good example of how this contraption works. But Dennett's appearance on the not yet.)
Finally Lagow, which took a Krasowski just enough to tell him everything is tallied, that is, that praised to the skies Marian devotion. Meanwhile:
in Poland will reduce the impact of religious belief. The weakening influence of religion can be seen even in the fact that today is not going for it is no dispute sharp, and is despite the fact that all television both private and public are the horns the propagandist of the Church and accept the position of this institution as a natural and not subject to questioning. On various occasions - such as the anniversary of the death or choice of the pope - is organizing a sort of collective madness, religious and moral. The Church has a parliament, provincial government, and - amazing - the university: there is no celebration academic zaczynałyby not from the mass. Universities voluntarily complied with the authority of the Church. This is not the result of exaltation emotional, but a manifestation of conformism and fear the new government. Church simply accustomed to the society that plays a major role, he has the final say in matters, which we assumed the part of the state. This subordination is, however artificial, superficial and does not involve deeper beliefs.No, man pack, nothing but a classic conversion! Granted, Lagow too, as Krasowski, there was no atheists. But their lack of means Lagowski not sure about winning the war on the form of a forfeit heaven:
Postmodern mix of religious and political cynicism leads to the fact that an element of cynicism in the mix in time will prevail. Perhaps the same problems that occurred under the previous regime, which I call an atheistic theocracy. Communism has never been accepted as truth. He was not opposed arguments, because they do not deserve the substantive discussion. Has been undermined by cynicism - a space he had left behind, took just cynicism. It seems to me that even religion will not be fought in an open discussion - not least because it would first appear the believers in earnest, to be able to discuss with them. Position of the Church will not be fought in open battle for the arguments, but by the cynicism of a natural advantage over a fake faith.It sounds unlike anything zgrzebnie a copy of a statement lead author: "When there is no religious people, overcomes cynicism", right? But will "certainly"?
(quoted from Marx's first volume of Marx and Engels Collected Works, Book and Knowledge, Warsaw 1960, p. 458th)
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