Friday, December 5, 2008

Hydrofoils And Wakeboarding

it is written ...

cool fun to read blogs. Equally fun is planned to start her own. Truly I say to you, I know what I write, the latter axiom I actively cultivate more than just reading blogs. Because this, I ask you, is still something reads, hears, sees, the central resort still had the input and the output is often produced some - it is that pre interesting not only for myself, I checked experimentally - ideas.

doctorate has not defend me in this life (cord while what is still open, and the openness of its forces momentary remorse that he has not complied with) and sometimes you want to write. Thus, there is nothing in the infinity brandzlować pro-societal (or whatever cosmopolitan) potency of cyber-networks. It is high time to join the horizontal and still leveling up the space of a vibrant culture - the free market exchange of ideas.

Bloggerki Sisters and Brothers Bloggers, I come! Piąteczki raczcie poprzybijać! Społem odmienimy face of this earth! The joint efforts of all the departments of cultures and arts centers overturn let the spin, and let the vertical poured on the power - on the Destruction to koteriom dark and enlightened populace to delight!

(By the way, and yet passing excess that the immediate impulse to bring the first character in this post was made before the time of reading the fresh entry in his blog killy'ego unweaving rainbow - there are recipes you is the announcement of Dennettowego "disenchantment" which Killy - as I - in the course of reading it seems, being enchanted. I will not be worse, it announced: just let him (once there) and will inevitably end up burning lekturkie opinion. Especially since Michael in so far refused to cooperate with the readers.)

PS. W / the guys by the way, thank you and best regards! ;-)


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