Songs about control, not conspiracy theory. word has been said, but has not yet issued, it was said, because it has not yet issued. Seem - How to ensure that Comrade Hubertini - February next year zero nine. I keep his word, what was said and zrymło and beat and scratches and prey okryło.
's performance on the boards of the team (the composition? Ensemble? Project? Yo! It is not easy in modern zoriencić postrokowej ultrarozrywkowej nomenclature and still young) Polaroid Android.
Publishing Title: Definitions. Without sucks: approaching the most important years in Poland, an event with the world lying at the crossroads of culture and politics. Radical culture and radical politics.
Polaroid Android is a product of hip-hop or a quasi-hip-hop, no need to of compliance. The material was subjected to examination by me fokusowemu. Familiar ziomy reacted differently, from enthusiasm to contempt. Enthusiasm correlated with involvement in the reception served in words the story, usually neglect took as a basis for aesthetic Foch at the so-called floł. Personally, hip-hop makes me, like, listen, I respect. I had the impression that a somewhat versed in the aesthetics, but perhaps it is so that it does not. Perhaps - perhaps totally - I have no ear, and I do not know what it floł. In any case, if indeed it is so that there is no rymowaniu Hubert floł, This totally does not bother me. And so that's probably because: (1) I know, like and respect Rymowicz and also sympathize with him, as well as (or "or") because (2) submit the form more than content with the obvious detriment of the personal skills of aesthetic perception of sensations (which is completely możebne in this case, since, I know, I have perceptual problems with the colors and the flavors in the culinary sense).
But that's not my disability was to be a show, but about control of songs here. However Before
grabbed the contents of the content word yet on the content form. Not
know therefore whether Polaroid Android is hip-hop and that Hubert has floł. Known for it - for the veracity of this knowledge I give up chlastać - that if, like me, you like shit in the music, dirt, noise, you should appreciate the efforts of artists. The whole bunch of sounds unnecessary, inefficient from the perspective of economics producenctwa mass music, pop culture powypieranych the margin is standard in this album. These are notes of deeply embedded in the tradition of punk rock, and industrailnej nojsowej rebellion (brass notes of Traka titled "Husbands" evoke memories
quite brilliant story from "Joggers and Smoggers" The Ex), But there are also those that irritate. Tease indeed - because I asked Hubert - intentionally. Scratches naive bezgłębne, too high pozgrywane begin the first issue under the title "I love Big Brother." The first transmission from the threshold of conscious rozkminy: take a think, step back, do not check this shit. This is fucked up, amateur. Nasrały them noobs. I do not even know how to do bitboks. I do not even know how to run skreczarkę. Fuck knows each other.
The coup followed, directed to a lyric. Home lyrical open access. Home lyrical on this album is the najsampierwsza other parties. In addition, however, that is, as above, plays a role in the opener to test further sounds, following one after the sounds, which - as mentioned above - odstręczają. And surprise here: 36 seconds "Big Brother" (From that moment in the history of plate, in which the party ensures that this lyrical, "a song about control, not conspiracy theory") sticks a bit heavy, scratches are no longer burn. It is well, dirty and oldskulowo. Then
differently. Okołohiphopowego lot of experimentation. That can love or not. I quite like it, though will be exactly like old-fashioned. But the creative expression does not condemn or even appreciate it. And to complete the first part of a performance dedicated to the band's music Adroid Polaroid.
then I go to the contents of the content. Here it is divine, here I feel satisfied almost finish (with a few exceptions from the finiteness of which I write below or not, I do not know.)
first I love Big Brother
another sleuth on the case wywęszy
to break the fetter me mad, it will be the first
with his nose to the ground in the official car
shooting arrest those who stand in the way
this train is going away and can not spin
me something in this world, pinches and squeezes
reflex of conscience without staring
fight for themselves about their place to the existence of
So begins the album. There is not much room for catching air, who wants to use must be prepared for a series of densely packed hardcore verses (
how the mechanisms of hardly anyone is curious, this truth is difficult to swallow even harder to digest ). Unfortunately, each is about. Unfortunately, there is no looser lines. It's not Eldo, Pezet no, not even Łona, it is a manifestation of acute pissed off that dobrało to their own bases, brought out the worlds behind them unaware. Unfortunately, the lyrical level is critical, critical and critical-political and social. In the city of Wroclaw, on the street Jagiello, from the yard climb up the secret kumplety rozsadniczego thinking that the target chooses Existing order, completely furnished zgrzebnie the mind of those who have nothing and have less and less.
When stationary outpost of the army still appears again on the battlefield - as amended, but still the same - go for voice of a new "General Ludd", which heats now allowed to destroy the machinery of consumption (115, 93).
New General and New zagrzewka, what this is about! That he again smells a dud? Quite possibly. But this alone is enough to ultimately choose the cynical side of reason? Truly I say to you, the better romp between the naive who are themselves (physically and mentally), and block move, than to settle between long time resident of the wise heads dupach that simply knowledge.
outpost of the above is not Hubert, and Debord. Who knows one and the other from the place itself They presented their side by side. The combination suggests itself when one hears the loudspeaker:
for breakfast lunch dinner show
buy the notion that life which I'll never have
buy because only about buying here referred
world dictatorship of the market traders policemen
live your life not a projection of the institution
a hidden dictatorship There will be no revolution
tired staring at the camera eye
bless you on your knees supermarkets
these huge temples Sunday stimuli
Inevitably, we have become - how long ago? - The actors do not necessarily willed performance. Actors and audience in one. ("Two in one" - the formula can not be overestimated from a marketing point of view!) Not everyone pushing for engagement / tickets, but we all załapali. Or rather, they caught. They were caught. The system is intrinsically closed, get out of it, stand next to and attempt to protest - it zakrawa the trick is not to implementation. Capitalism sucks rebellion patroszy of content and issue a shell for sale. Just like the joke about the Jewish anti-Semitic newspaper vendor: if each copy sold goes to his pocket per cent, in the end it is no longer an anti-Semitic. Economic development
frees society from a natural compulsion of a direct struggle for survival, but society can not free himself from his liberator . (40, 47) This is the snag with the neoliberal form of things of this world: there are no alternatives to the dominant doctrine. The regime is holding up well and it remains widespread in the first place belief in the naturalness of the mechanism constituting the social system. Odfajkowywać remains assigned in advance (by whom?) Role in the story after the end of history:
not live your life this is the control
as far away from these questions so sweet carrot
and even if the world something pinches and squeezes
big brother thanks for the interview
second Winning the battle trick, by which it gives to escape beyond the sham contestation contestation toward real can not go, almost certainly. The margin of error of this sad, cynical reason credited certainty based on faith. Belief that we can still become a nation - sovereign.
bourgeoisie could seize power as a class of economic development. Proletariat to seize power, must become class consciousness . (88, 71)
world is sold and sleazy
inch by inch
seizing space
and I believe in you
in myself I believe in this war
for space in which a man
is a man still
All is not lost as long as you believe in me and I in you. This creeping plague of non-religious faith across the spectrum as jewropie. And while in Poznan Climate Summit noted alarming decline in direct-democratic sentiment (and I was not there too), it is still happening in the world and isolated on a true story, not quite post-. She is going on and solidifies. Perhaps it is not possible radical change in the system, perhaps just about weighing
social adjustment but who cares at the moment when we can count, and smell it?
(We are everywhere "as the titulary the first book, is truly capture and Embody the exuberant creativity and radical intellect of the protest movements opposing neoliberalism around the world ). In the war of man against wypłukującemu content of interpersonal relations system should be resistant. Music can be zajebistym resistor. They knew the guys from
seein 'Red , they know it and buzz hoppers with Polaroid Android:
microphone is also a weapon in the war for our space
everything is alive in us
it is not easy and pleasant light
as the words that fall from the sky on the wind
people are dropping bombs on the line
we are not dependent on public opinion
when life is hard as your old siaty
in a supermarket filled with merchandise
diverted the world if the world was a commodity product
that shit under a huge banner *
Here, too, talking about Polaroid Android Debord, Vienna or unconsciously:
The play is the stage total subordination of all the goods of social life. Not only that commodification has become apparent, it is not seen nothing outside of it, the visible world is a world commodity. Dictatorial power of modern economic production expands and strengthens . (42, p. 48) is the constant spectacle
Opium War of equating wealth with the goods, and meet the needs of survival, which extends under its own laws. Survival - as the object of consumption - and has continued to expand, because still associated with poverty. There is no afterlife extended survival, no point at which it could terminate its development: it can indeed enrich misery, but it can not overcome. (44, 49) and hence the kurwica at Christmas żantach, teskach and kerfurach. Consumers growing practical metaphysics: the more draws, the more wishes, multiplying my misery. Trap almost hopeless, because the system is, as I put above, it is almost closed and the power of blind swings instynkyu virtuous, and its computational power has long since outgrown the brains of the best theorists najtęższych
economic regimes. Any fanatic of evolution knows that "knows better choice." Is not the same thing happens to us - of course a natural! - The basis of neo-liberal hegemony? Blog
acceptance of what exists, it may take the form of a purely spectacular rebellion: the same hollowness has become a commodity because, since economic abundance, expanding its production, has learned to manipulate this type of material (59, 55).
4th Freedom of speech Here Hubert, in turn, cultivates rozkminę the line
Chantal Mouffe. Read? I do not know, irrelevant. Public dożynanie Isolation laughter or ideological heretics, apostates from the neoliberal natural law works regardless of awareness of this mechanism. And this is so:
democracy freedom of speech freedom of speech
democracy freedom of expression, democracy
I typing in the convention
for all a cop and now it is safer
I have my banner, and I feel great
even have anyone to sell their brenie
I marched around City Hall
not break the law until all have fun
I say what I want as long as no one wants to listen to me
depreciated the seriousness of this heresy, and usually the most effective najpierwszy way of eliminating the social, political or ideological significance. Denying racjom weight not because they are simply irrational, but because they do not respect the rules of the First Discourse Participation in the universal: do not do anything contrary to the natural of Good absolute. In the best case traciłbyś time, at worst you could do harm. Ahistorical Good is a patient. (Until the time.)
5th Husbands rhymes Cherry. History on sexual exploitation and the daily violence of patriarchy. Told very firmly and very bluntly.
powder and what is hiding underneath the traces
your husband's passing left a deep down the middle
between work at the dinner table with a full stomach
the absolute social acceptance
safe attitude
acquiescence gives an honest and righteous neighbor
zarzyganym each block from wroclaw to warsaw
in Poland where vodka god belief in god addiction
a Sunday chicken soup for the spiritual nourishment of cities mustaches
he says that this has been brought up
may be just stupid and not selfish
you also told your mom
you truly fun filled square
church kitchen, children's bed
because every girl needs to be well behaved
you love or like a fish stranded on the beach
die quietly and do what he tells you
you your husband he is zaślubiony
enter the plate clean plate when he is tired of
and what that drink bad beats to live
not waste time on the consciousness that it can kill you faster
this life is the social role of wife
such wives are many and the world zarobaczony
This is an important story and, therefore, that all too often I have a dodgy pleasure to be in the company of ladies and their modernych men (or vice versa), perorujących on feminist hysteria. Their husbands do not beat them, they cook them, is equality. So why is skrzekliwe baby in the media? These niedoruchane rewolucjonistki? That's how it alienates elegantly rising dawn native Polish middle class from the poorer everyday and for all the local working class.
(Interesting things are happening in addition to the background in the music. Definitely the brightest spot reads experimental Polaroid Android.)
7th war with the city signal to march,
convert theory into practice . Odwojować city, let the return will be ours.
call us citizens, excessive courtesy. The role of the citizen's role in the election celebrysty urn. In the meantime, we meet by consuming and did not ask about irrelevant issues, including among others: why is reduced from one year to the socially valuable space? From whom the idea of \u200b\u200bfencing, fencing, exclusion from the public over the subsequent quarters? Who gave the area of \u200b\u200bmarket towns in the possession of propaganda? Where there are still places free of ads? Who benefits from homes with glass and steel, which finally, after so many years of utopian dreams, but grow in the hearts of cities? Whose city? Whom do they serve? Who is responsible for their shape and content? Not very unclear to whom these questions are addressed at all, so
go to war war with the city
overturn everything on the left side
8th Definitions punch line follows. All had previously been a call for the redefined, with open minds and attempt to set the blocks into new configurations, in a joyous act of creativity,
prospects in donating a brand new view of everything that is important. Another world is possible. This is another treat, this time quite explicitly expressed call to take (unfortunately, the already existing warunach quite heroic, however, whore) try yourself, consciously reconstructing identities based on social context and, of course, on the contrary, the context based on the identity of .
I am glad that the first album is called Polaroid Android as it is called, and that last song is a song last. Of course you can listen to the so-called circle. But in case anyone - CAREFULLY! - Zamiarował make a one-time listening, it is only with such wyartykułowanym "goodbye!" By the way is another strong song on the control function and entertainment business, this is never enough to remind young people:
act of creation is just
production and sales promotion will
institution with its branches all over the world
Seek and ye shall find Seek and ye shall find
certainly fulfill the great task
consumer knocks on my knees
conquer your heart is an army of managers
marketing whizzes and management
schools effectively teach orientation
in maps of neoliberal democracy
new identity and history of ethics
trendy music entertainment industry
it is like a panacea for your
frustrations are put to sleep your anger inhibits the interactions
and effectively drowns out the awareness of failure
see for yourself how little you need to
to be happy
indeed what it is today
they can explain exactly
unless someone else creates definitions
love freedom work life happiness
is that you give to these words, the importance of
ask yourself, ask yourself
you have control over your life
spiritual non-existence of material existence
whether or not you you or are you or not you
*) Hubert on this stanza per website: "It is Fristajl Roszji / z Roszja and Lu / on the disc to give any notice also group of KZK and Noisegarden / first two lines are mine / and it has developed a "
$ $ $
On board are two stories more than the above. One has a simple text instead of real rhyme poem. This poem is about Wroclaw.
second is a public record of text reading John Cage
Overpopulation and Art .
Both stories are more important and completely on the spot, while I I do not feel on the spot to write especially about the first one. The other could ever happen to me write when he read a whole and I decide that I would write something. I doubt that to happen (because I'm reading to be done and without that eventuality so that probably you will have no life), but who can know for sure.
PA plate, as I wrote, to be published in the 02.09 effort combined forces
antennas and Scream QulturRapu . On the day of release [which is the deca and delayed due out this month, wait - ed. March 1] the material will also be available on the site
Open Music . For nothing. Polaroid Android
can listen the and (in lower quality sound) on MySpace
. Another
recka board to read the blog
DEWAST . Citations
Society Guy Debord performance in the translation of Matthew pints per
linkowanym this release. The first number in parentheses after each citation is the number of passage, the second - the page number. Quote
in a foreign language comes from the introduction to the book Naomi Klein
We Are Everywhere .
address wzmiankowanego Cage: John Cage
Overpopulation and Art, ed. Andrew Sosnowski,
World Literature No. 01-02/1996 (294-295), p. 179-203.