A wide range of coffees from all over the world is a great inspiration to hit and original gift for anyone getting the morning, drink a cup of coffee energizing m.in successful gourmet gift because it gives opportunity to discover the exotic flavors and aromas.
- Coffee roasted:
Natural Arabica (Brazil Santos, Ethiopia Sidamo, Excelso, Organic Galapagos, Hawaii Kona Extra Fancy, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Kenya AA, Mexico Maragogype), Kopi Luwak, Robusta India Monsooned
Flavor: Amaretto, Creme Brule, chocolate-almond-cream, chocolate-orange, Irish Cream, Irish Whiskey, Malibu, Muffinka, nut-cream, rum-cream, Vanilla Sky
- green coffee (fresh beans for self-burning): Arabica (Galapagos, India Plantation, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Mexico Altura, Peru SHB, Tanzania AA)
- decaffeinated coffee: Arabica Colombia Decaf
- Soluble Coffee: Advocat, Amaretto, Cherry, chocolate, caramel, mint, natural, walnut, tiramisu, vanilla
- Coffee in chocolate: white, dark (black), milk
- Accessories : sugar (brown candy, cane, cane molasses) syrups (Amaretto, banana, chocolate, Irish Cream, maple, coconut, cranberry, vanilla), guarana, cranberry sauce maple, vanilla in the sticks, candied cherry, anise seeds
- Accessories: set of 2 cups and spoons Grand, cans (Japanese, with window, dragon tin), cotton filter to zaparzaczek, Presso Espresso, coffee grinder Grandma
- Gift Sets: ready and to individual composition
Natural Arabica (Brazil Santos, Ethiopia Sidamo, Excelso, Organic Galapagos, Hawaii Kona Extra Fancy, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Kenya AA, Mexico Maragogype), Kopi Luwak, Robusta India Monsooned
Flavor: Amaretto, Creme Brule, chocolate-almond-cream, chocolate-orange, Irish Cream, Irish Whiskey, Malibu, Muffinka, nut-cream, rum-cream, Vanilla Sky
- green coffee (fresh beans for self-burning): Arabica (Galapagos, India Plantation, Jamaica Blue Mountain, Mexico Altura, Peru SHB, Tanzania AA)
- decaffeinated coffee: Arabica Colombia Decaf
- Soluble Coffee: Advocat, Amaretto, Cherry, chocolate, caramel, mint, natural, walnut, tiramisu, vanilla
- Coffee in chocolate: white, dark (black), milk
- Accessories : sugar (brown candy, cane, cane molasses) syrups (Amaretto, banana, chocolate, Irish Cream, maple, coconut, cranberry, vanilla), guarana, cranberry sauce maple, vanilla in the sticks, candied cherry, anise seeds
- Accessories: set of 2 cups and spoons Grand, cans (Japanese, with window, dragon tin), cotton filter to zaparzaczek, Presso Espresso, coffee grinder Grandma
- Gift Sets: ready and to individual composition
Forms Payment:
- on arrival in the courier / postman
Prepay (pay in advance):
standard bank transfer - a transfer online via Platnosci.pl
standard bank transfer - a transfer online via Platnosci.pl
preparation time for shipping orders: determined individually for each Product
Delivery: Polish Post, UPS or courier Seven
Area: Poland and Europe
cost and delivery time: (Only priority)
KrainaKawy.pl , KrainaHerbaty.pl and KrainaZiół.pl have a common basket and orders made in the company sends them a package with one cost of delivery!
Orders for min. $ 120 FREE DELIVERY Polish Post!
- Polish Post: 9.99 zł , 2-3 business days
- Seven: 9.99 zł , 24 hours (weekdays)
- UPS: 16 , 99zł , 24 hours (weekdays)
Cash on delivery:
- Polish Post: 16.99 zł , 2-3 weekdays
- Seven: 14.99 zł , 24 hours (weekdays)
- UPS: 21.99 zł , 24 hours (weekdays)
Foreign Shipping to 1kg (GOLD): $ 35, 99zł (to 90), 3-4 working days
Returns for any reason: statutory 10 working days from the date of receipt of delivery
Warranty: quality, freshness and damage during Transport
- wholesale, Prices negotiable
- individual compositions
Gift - certificate of experience - successful collaboration with major stakeholders such as pharmaceutical company Astellas, Merlin bookstore, hotel and schools
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