3 1 March 2010, a conference was held Fri "Hostile to entrepreneurs?" Organized by the National Chamber of Commerce and Business Centre Club in cooperation with the Civic Forum Foundation Development and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights .

About dbywające often in the atmosphere show the arrest of media companies not only cause loss of business reputation of the victims, but jeopardize the reputation of the entire business community in Poland. What's more, leading to the bankruptcy of many companies and the elimination of many jobs, it causes a real loss for the Polish economy.
In conference was attended by: Andrew Arendarski , President of the National Chamber of Commerce, Goliszewski Marek, President of the Business Centre Club, Janusz Steinhoff, Chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce, prof. Leszek Balcerowicz , Joanna Agacka - Indeck , President of the Supreme Bar Council, Bednarkiewicz Matt, Matt Bednarkiewicz, Andrew Wilcox and Partners, Matt Bobrowicz , President of the National Council of Legal Advisors, Tadeusz Donocik , President of the Regional Chamber Commerce in Katowice, Poland, Lech Jeziorna , a former member of the Supervisory Krakmeat, Andrzej Kalwas , Kalwas & Partners Law Firm Legal Advisors, Aldona Kamela - Sowińska , Rector of the School of Commerce and Accountancy in Poznan, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski , Minister of Justice, Krzysztof Piotrowski, President of the Shipyard Porta Holding SA, Rey Paul, a former member of the Supervisory Krakmeat, Andrew Rzepliński , Judge of the Constitutional Court, Jerzy Stepien , Judge of the Constitutional Court in the resting state, Emil Wasacz , CEO of Highways Stalexport SA, Andrew Zarajczyk , Chairman of the Board - Director General of POL-MOT Holding SA Zoll, Chairman of the Criminal Law Codification Commission.
K havens Chamber of Commerce, the Business Centre Club, Foundation for the Development of Civic Forum and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights issued a joint meeting at the end of APEL to the Minister of Justice for a thorough reform of the judiciary.
M ateriały, photos and text, the majority come from the source, which is the website of the National Chamber of Commerce .
K onference in which actively participated including two and three deputy ministers of justice, including the current Office of the Minister Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, sparked interest in the legitimate media. Below I attach links to the information available to me.
PROF. Leszek Balcerowicz - an introductory lecture, "Justice, the case is not only the economy,"
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