Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Kind Of Bread Do You Use To Make A Panini

"hostile to entrepreneurs?" - BCC Conference, PCC, and HFHR

3 1 March 2010, a conference was held Fri "Hostile to entrepreneurs?" Organized by the National Chamber of Commerce and Business Centre Club in cooperation with the Civic Forum Foundation Development and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights .

D wadzieścia years after initiation of free-market transformation in Poland remains a paradox that the main authors of the success of economic transformation - Polish entrepreneurs - not only remain unacknowledged, and often even persecuted social group. This is confirmed in recent years, numerous cases of unfounded detention, interrogation and other forms of harassment of traders from the state apparatus. Politicization of departments, instrumental approach to law, the incompetence of the judicial officers, ably heated by the reluctance of some politicians society in relation to the business - these are just some of the reasons for this.

About dbywające often in the atmosphere show the arrest of media companies not only cause loss of business reputation of the victims, but jeopardize the reputation of the entire business community in Poland. What's more, leading to the bankruptcy of many companies and the elimination of many jobs, it causes a real loss for the Polish economy.

In conference was attended by: Andrew Arendarski , President of the National Chamber of Commerce, Goliszewski Marek, President of the Business Centre Club, Janusz Steinhoff, Chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce, prof. Leszek Balcerowicz , Joanna Agacka - Indeck , President of the Supreme Bar Council, Bednarkiewicz Matt, Matt Bednarkiewicz, Andrew Wilcox and Partners, Matt Bobrowicz , President of the National Council of Legal Advisors, Tadeusz Donocik , President of the Regional Chamber Commerce in Katowice, Poland, Lech Jeziorna , a former member of the Supervisory Krakmeat, Andrzej Kalwas , Kalwas & Partners Law Firm Legal Advisors, Aldona Kamela - Sowińska , Rector of the School of Commerce and Accountancy in Poznan, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski , Minister of Justice, Krzysztof Piotrowski, President of the Shipyard Porta Holding SA, Rey Paul, a former member of the Supervisory Krakmeat, Andrew Rzepliński , Judge of the Constitutional Court, Jerzy Stepien , Judge of the Constitutional Court in the resting state, Emil Wasacz , CEO of Highways Stalexport SA, Andrew Zarajczyk , Chairman of the Board - Director General of POL-MOT Holding SA Zoll, Chairman of the Criminal Law Codification Commission.

K havens Chamber of Commerce, the Business Centre Club, Foundation for the Development of Civic Forum and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights issued a joint meeting at the end of APEL to the Minister of Justice for a thorough reform of the judiciary.

M ateriały, photos and text, the majority come from the source, which is the website of the National Chamber of Commerce .

K onference in which actively participated including two and three deputy ministers of justice, including the current Office of the Minister Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, sparked interest in the legitimate media. Below I attach links to the information available to me.


PROF. Leszek Balcerowicz - an introductory lecture, "Justice, the case is not only the economy,"

for yourself - a panel with the participation of disadvantaged entrepreneurs by a malfunctioning justice

Janusz Steinhoff - speech, "The abuse of the rule of law"


Lech Jeziorna and Paul Rey -
case history of injustice, in short "
Gazeta Wyborcza -
" Balcerowicz and Steinhoff: the judiciary needs reform - 31-03-2010
" Business complains about the (in) justice - 01-04-2010
" State vs. Entrepreneur - 02-04-2010
" Human rights
entrepreneur "- 03-04-2010 Economy -
Balcerowicz and Steinhoff: Justice needs reform - 31-03-2010
Official Legal Newspaper -
" Entrepreneurs are pretty lazy prosecutors and judges - 31-03-2010
" You can not treat everyone like criminals businessman "- 01-04-2010
" President of BCC: unmounted people do not pillory - 01-04-2010
Editorial Comment: businessmen supporters" - 01-04-2010
Republic -
" Business calls for reform of the justice " - 2001-2004 -2010
suspect will be able to shorten the investigation - 02-04-2010
Who should pay for mistakes - 08-04-2010
compensation for wrongful prosecution - 08 - 2004-2010
Business expects a stable and effective law enforcement
- 08-04-2010
Puls -
formed front companies defense" - 01-04-2010 -
Businessmen: We do not want enemy state" - 31-03-2010
Official Polish -
" Twelve years without trial - 02-04-2010
" Arrest and detention
humanly - 06-04-2010
On -
economy limps through justice" - 1931-2003 -2010
Salon24 -
Private entrepreneur is still an enemy - 30-03-2010 -
Balcerowicz and Steinhoff: Justice needs reform - 31-03-2010 -
Balcerowicz and Steinhoff: Justice needs reform - 31-03-2010
Onet. en - - 31-03-2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Milena Velba Custom Bra

FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT a crime - the Conference Center. Adam Smith

In Poland are significant instances of criminalizing the State authorities, business disputes with the tax offices, with signs of criminal activities Prosecution to entrepreneurs, and abuse the law by officials government towards them leading companies and citizens.

S prawcy these acts are completely unpunished, and the costs of their actions, as is normally charged to the Polish taxpayer.

In recent rash of high profile cases we have, where entrepreneurs hailed as criminals and arrested in light cameras, and now after many years of trials, Polish taxpayer has to pay huge compensation for the illegal actions of government officials.

In recently purified from any allegations of Lake Lech and Paul Rey, the louder the 'action in an organized criminal group "in Krakow Meat Plant. Driven into bankruptcy by the officials of the company JTT Computers multimillion court awarded damages, confirming that its actions were entirely lawful. N

otatka for download from the Conference of the Centre to them. Adam Smith

The conference was attended
· Prof. Blikle Andrew - President of the Center. Adam Smith, an entrepreneur, Tel: 607-456-918
· Andrzej Dlugosz - the entrepreneur, Tel: 601602640
· Lech Jeziorna - expert of the Center. Adam Smith for entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, Tel: 600-927-039 · Andrzej Sadowski - wiceprezycent the center. Adam Smith, Tel: 501-601-577 K
onference has been widely described in the media. Here I am presenting articles and commentaries have appeared in the journal

As you destroy your , edited by Wojciech Wybranowski

clerical hell companies, edited Wojciech Wybranowski,

businessmen are demanding changes in the law entrepreneurs, ed Peter Gabryel

Thursday, March 25, 2010

How To Get Shoe Polish Off Windshield

Lech Jeziorna the expert center. Adam Smith at Radio TOK FM

R adio TOK FM, broadcast Fri "Economic Report." A guest editor Monica Waraczyńskiej is Lech Jeziorna the expert center. Adam Smith. The conversation concerns the difficult relationship between officials and entrepreneurs in Poland.

R adio TOK FM - " leading.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Season Of Huntik In England

Conference - 'The enemy of the entrepreneur? " Lech

K onference organized by the National Chamber Economic (PCC) and Business Centre Club (BCC), in cooperation with the Foundation
and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights will be held on March 31, 2010 in the auditorium of the University Library in Warsaw. Beginning at 10:00 am. The theme of the conference will be a rhetorical question whether a State is the enemy of the trader.

R eferat introducing "The abuse of the rule of law" will give Janusz Steinhoff, Chair of the PCC.
In ymiar justice: the case not only the economy" - lecture by prof. Leszek Balcerowicz.

In a panel discussion, Fri. "We have learned" will be attended by among others Roman Noodle, Krzysztof Piotrowski, Paul Rey, Lech Jeziorna, Emil Wasacz, John Pamula, Andrew Zarajczyk, Tadeusz Donocik.

J Anina Paradowska will lead a discussion Fri "Why does the detention business show." For discussion are invited prof. Andrew Rzepliński, Ms. Joanna Agacka-Indeck, Marek Biernacki, prof. Zbigniew Ćwiąkalski.

D yskusję Fri "Injured victims of a malfunctioning prosecutor entrepreneurs' takes ed. Slawomir Matczak, whose guests are: prof. Andrzej Zoll, prof. Aldona Kamela - Sowinska, Mr. Matthew Bednarkiewicz.

K onference promises to be extremely interesting, admission free, highly recommended.
D for download in *. pdf -
Invitation to the Conference - Conference Program

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Nippleof Denise Milani

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Now besides we can look at and, but there will be more and more ...

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zzy Testing, comment.

LINK (rar)

Links (samoraspak. exe)

Keloid Removal, Dc How Much

Jeziorna new Center for the expert. Adam Smith

With effect from 1 March this year. expert Smith Center for Entrepreneurship was
Lech Jeziorna .

echoes Jeziorna is an entrepreneur, gives his advice in the field of investment design, implementation and management of business entities.

them. Adam Smith is the first in Poland and Central Europe, an independent, not associated with any political institution, research institute, established in the form of a foundation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Throat Blister Images

Financial Times - Arresting Development

edaktor Jan Cienski writes in the article Fri "Arresting development
" about the dangerous side of doing business in Poland.

ażąca incompetence of tax officials and the judiciary, as well as the fact of their impunity, raises the question of what the Polish government and we as a society are going to do with this fact, how to solve problem to be able to safely fall into the group of democratic states of law.

FINANCIAL TIMES, Europe on Tuesday March 9, 2010, "Arresting
, version scan.

FINANCIAL TIMES, Europe on Tuesday March 9, 2010, "Arresting
" txt version.
- British journal of basic character and international scope, published since 1888 in London.