Triphala is the most effective and cheapest on the market for herbal formula that causes a cascade of positive effects of the human body. The producer is an international company specyfiku zielarska Himalaya. Triphala is an Ayurvedic pearl, which is an unconventional system of Indian medicine. This unique blend of herbal very effectively regulates functioning of the digestive (digestive tract), particularly the function of the colon.
- gastrointestinal diseases
- diarrhea, constipation
- indigestion and heartburn
- bloating and gas
- irritable bowel syndrome
- ulcerative colitis
- diverticulitis of the colon (Diverticulosis )
- overweight and obesity
- weakened immunity
- hypertension
- pain disorders and gastrointestinal contractile
- nausea and a feeling of fullness
- prevention of coronary heart disease

Effects of supplementation with Triphala
- elimination of constipation, cleansing the digestive system and tonizowanie
- detoxification of the body, improve digestion and absorption of nutrient reduction
- high blood pressure and improve circulation
- corrective properties Diverticulosis
- high efficiency in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative Colitis
- elimination of diarrhea and intestinal spasmodic pain, return to normal fluid and electrolyte balance and the amount of urine output, normal kidney function and better cleansing of the body
- optimal treatment of colorectal cancer and liver and blood of toxins
- reduce clogging of the liver and heart
- laxative effect, antiviral, antibacterial and anti
- improve mental performance and concentration
- assist excretion of urinary tract stones
- accelerated restoration of epithelium
- strengthen immunity, vision, hair and voice
- prevent aging of the treatment of lipomas
- assist weight loss, treatment of inflammation of the eyes and skin ulcers caused by bacteria Pyoderma gangrenosum
- stimulate bile flow and strengthening peristalsis
- reduction and elimination of tumor cancer cells
- reinforce the and the inflow of vital energy
- improve general health and well-being
Contraindications: children, pregnant and breastfeeding women
Dosage: 2 capsules per day (1 capsule 2x a day), during or after a meal, treatment should last at least 4 weeks
Ingredients: 3 Related herbs, powdered fruit in whole or extract them
- Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica, Bellirica Myrobalan, Behada ), the effect mainly on the lungs, heart and liver oil contains linoleic resulting higher levels of good HDL cholesterol and lowering levels of bad LDL
- Haritaki (Terminalia chebula , Chebulia Myrobalan, Harada ), a rich source of tannins, amino acids , fructose, sukcynytowego acid and sitosterol, diastolic properties, effects on the heart and gut
- amalaki (Emblica officinalis , Indian Gooseberry, Amla ), astringent and refreshing effect on the lungs, stomach, liver and heart, a rich source of antioxidants, flavonoids , carotenoids, tannins, and vitamin C

Shipping on Polish territory and abroad. Costs are dependent on the quantity ordered packaging before placing your order, you can use Delivery costs calculator.
- prepayment, payment in advance - credit card, bank transfer or system
- Delivery with option to check the contents, payment of the postman / courier on Polish territory
Price Triphali (60 capsules)
- 1 pack = 1 month of treatment = 39zł
- 2 packs = 2 months of treatment = 38zł / pack
- 3 packs = 3 months of treatment = 36zł / pack
- 6 packs = 6 months of treatment = 34zł / pack
Triphala, as everyone tried herbal drug presented on this site is an excellent idea for a gift, because better health is the best gift.
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