Greetings to all! New Year's Eve decided to make a gift to you.
For a long time I thought invented and tried. BUT ... turned out - video is no longer slow.
made some nice (in my opinion) changes in the interface behavior and in relation to the user.
All paint will not, check for updates, see FAQ, ask questions, throw tomatoes.
Special thanks Initiative Group, which helped me to debug this version.
- Lek
- Artem Ch
- J. Watch
- Vladimir K.
- Jedi Master
- php.CMS.Developer
- levide
- Dima Vind
- Tapock
Developers INTV Tuner'a I also have a gift, namely FLVServer.exe that goes into the archive. If you need an API or sniffayte or the soap to me, and I will explain why there is, and how.
program is still not completely stable, and not on all the machines working properly, so what are waiting for New Year and new versions.
same way I enter "beer" Donation aka aka donation.
But the program has been and will always be free !
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