Reason 1: The number These authors, who note the need to take the next (after spencerowskiej leading astray of social Darwinism) attempted humanist reception of evolution, have not decided for this step. Perhaps with the exception of Agnes Gajewska ( Feminism meets Charles Darwin ), which highlights the functionality of Elizabeth Grosz's theory of evolution for a feminist reflection ("Darwin's theory of feminism can provide the tools to understand not only mizoginicznych times in which he lived, but also the relationship of subordination between the races and genders, as well as human domination over nature ").
good opportunity to open a broader discussion lost Marie Weiss, author of the text Fri Evolution and Ethics, in principle, limited to a few wynotowania axiological problems with Darwinian phrase in the natural sciences . In this sense, the author writes about
(1) the real difference between good and evil, (2) the requisite qualifications for the subjectivity of morality, (3) of beings who have the moral subjectivity, in other words, it is a question of whether moral actors are only people.From the position of the external referent Weiss presents "an incomplete and sketchy review" the positions of some of the theorists involved in the issues raised in the evolutionary ethic. " "Review" This concludes the proposal: "moral philosophy still has a lot to think about."
Opportunity to popularize Darwin thought he lost a Chris Lastovo. Nearly half of introducing the subject of an article number Two centuries of evolutionary theory concerns the theory of natural previous edition of "The Origin of Species," and therefore - with hindsight - wrong. The very concept of evolution by natural selection is depicted by the Lastovo bizarre language.
In the circumstances of the environment - says Professor - remains this faction of the species, which maximizes the criterion for adaptation to environmental conditions prevailing in the area where this species occurs.
The following paragraphs ( Main ideas of Darwin's work , Recpecja Darwinian evolutionary thought , Accomplishments of Darwin and modern science and philosophy - generally the structure of the article gives the impression of notes prepared for very compelling lessons for students) is measured by the heroic adequate concentration of the impact of task Darwinism on culture in kilkupunktowych outlines. This art, of course, failed, and the "Time Culture" accommodated the worst introduction to the theory of evolution probably ever read.
Against Two centuries of evolution reflected positive articles Bartosz Twigs ( monkey in the desert, which is why today, read Darwin? ) and Guy Famułki ( other end of the evolution will not be ). The first one is an interesting discussion of admission Januarius Weiner to the new critical edition of "The Origin of Species" ("We live (...), fitting for Weiner to shout in Darwinian world. It is impossible to be silent, however, that awareness that we gain a solid portion mixed with tar - more than the fear that condemn the same to voluntary isolation. ") The second interesting and concisely, submit the case (alleged) to stop the evolution of homo sapiens .
Reason 2: Much of the text with "[r] evolutionary" block "Time Culture" of Darwinism is at best a loose relationship. The value of an anthropological approach "evolution" of music carriers, taken in Death CD and evolution the social world by Christopher Abriszewskiego , is perhaps the large (do not know much about this), but the theory of evolution by natural selection, just links them is that in both narratives, without the term "evolution" is not a way to get around. However, the fact that the word occurs in a variety of meanings and contexts, is the reason for any further misunderstandings. Similarly deceptive and (I) quasi-Darwinian nature of the article is Gabriela Switek ( species, types, forms, styles. A comparative morphology and anatomy in the history of architecture ). The idea for the marriage of "naturalism" with "kulturalizmem" seems to be interesting. The problem is that Darwinism and comparative anatomy is not necessarily the same thing.
Margaret Radkiewicz ( "Angels and Insects" Victorian England ) discusses an interesting film by Philip Haas under Antonia Susan Byatt stories . "The construction of a film corresponds to the classification of literary heroes because of their views and knowledge of natural sciences (...)", what seems to have determined the taxonomic classification of editorial decisions in the family Radkiewicz text (row, genre)" [r] evolution ".
What will certainly be taken by the "Time Culture" easily humanization of evolution, is a project by Reiner Maria Matysiak Fri Referendum: The legalization of the joint offspring of humans and primates. The emergence of community reproductive - an art project with a clear Darwinian contours; provocation to think species differences, technological acceleration taking place in the evolutionary basis of reimbursement and the "new ethic of humanity." Finally, I can write, I strongly recommend an overview of photographs and read "information about the project referendum."