"Official" Arthur Ciechanowicz pen and "Election" Kinga Dunin - probably in preparation for the celebration of Darwin Day - have agreed to Łykend in promoting atheism. Although, traditionally scholar versed in the art of dialectical speculation, representatives of the camp for the Adversary imagined such a thing as "promoting atheism" react normally puts out the language. So too, as in the "Official" I read, the Union of Atheists and Freethinkers of Catalonia, the organizer of a local Atheist Bus Campaign , slipped on wytkniętym language was an act of Maria Casellas:
Atheists do not even realize they give us a favor by giving money to their campaigns. Thanks to you zagonieni all the people who move between work and home, remind yourself that there is also something else. They begin to think about God - he adds.matter, let it be that the promotion of atheism by some postmodern version of a miraculous transfiguration became a promoter of religion. In any event, the two biggest Polish newspapers in their editions łykendowych accommodate wraży texts on the subject. The "Official" text on the abovementioned / English ateuszy linked combinations shares (under the patronage of Richard Dawkins' God-fearing), and their growing number of mainland followers. In addition to already quoted Mrs. Maria is worth paying attention to the statement of another representative of the camp UP on similar initiatives - unfortunately did not come to fruition - in Genoa:
Gianfranco Calabrese, who is responsible for the evangelization of the archdiocese, asked about the project shrugged. - These are methods that promote dialogue, others feed intolerance. This campaign will not lead to anything, because the desire to open confrontation is always a sign of intolerance - said one of the Italian news agencies.But the priest is a pessimist, after all, the better for the Project "There is a God!" Let father take an example from Ms. Maria from Barcelona, let him translate his defeatism at its optimism! After all, the atheist roar threateningly, the more aggressive, provocative, insolent, insulting their performances are on all buses of the World, the more we must unite around basic issues the Church, not so? And this note: ateobusy do not have, I think, to "promote dialogue", but only atheism, godlessness. (In this sense it is definitely an expression of "willingness to open confrontation."'s The way it is with ateuszami and other Masons, they do not play as much as the openness and the opportunity to confront various Racyja.) Understand that from a certain perspective itself is no longer a mortal sin, much worse than intolerance (from the UP through the history of his people effectively uchowuje). But, again, I urge Mr. Calabrese and all other shaken but not mixed, and therefore firmly outraged: accept with dignity philosophical pluralism of the street, there are things worse in this world than the public expression of opinion on any subject, in any event, if the expression does not entail the use of hate speech.
is worth mentioning that the text Ciechanowicz paper appeared under the title "Holy War bus". Title the same text in the net is much more pronounced and evangelical (in the literal sense of bringing the good news). Bus war is over and its verdict more than obvious.
At roughly the same subject, or commenting ateobusową mental challenge, Kinga Dunin in "high heels" . To write the essay, as she says, inspired her next comment, this time home, the official UP:
with patronizing smile said that atheists are pathetic, because there is nothing they form represent only emptiness. Gospel truth! Maybe absolutely nothing wrong, but in an interesting area priest actually nothing. The rich mythology of religion, the cultural and literary values \u200b\u200bcan not be denied, opposed a-theism. A-theism. This prefix, despite what is often said here, does not mean a particularly negative attitude towards God or desire to fight it, it's not anti-theism. A-theism is a lack of interest for obvious reasons - to be something of interest, the object of interest must exist in such a way that he could latch on to him our mind. God is unknowable is as uninteresting as this non-existent, it's just a hole in our projections. Ms. Duninpierwszoklasowo provokes. However okołoreligijną provocation of the week and announce a decree BXVI so that by his own infallibility questioned the infallibility of JPII, returning to the bosom of several leading KK Lefebvre and behind them a large sekcinę anything. And so, once again in history, representing the worlds brightest minds in this vale, conclusively proved the existence of a most perfect Being. This proof is well known to readers, "not the tofu ..." since the slope above the survey of "Europe" on faith, and her voice over the Professor Bauman. He flies (an argument no voice) something like this: The more ridiculous something is, the more worthy of belief, amen. Thank God for Tertullian, he explains everything.
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