Saturday, May 15, 2010

Shaving Outbreak Herpes

Mafia prosecutor in training. As their own.

Interview Kostrzewski and editors Leszek Piotr Krzysztof Miączyńskiego Parchimowicz with the prosecutor, as part of the Gazeta Wyborcza "Entrepreneur of the offender does not" .

"Noodle, Jeziorna Rey? Accidents at work. Prosecutors, who accused them are good and rightly promoted - Chris talks with Attorney General Parchimowicz

In ywiad former prosecutor Philip Dopierała (we have included it in Tuesday, May 11, 2010, "Gazeta Wyborcza") led the Heads of State Prosecutor's Office for the umpteenth time. Later that same day we received the phone. - There is in our heads, as our former colleague could say such a thing. That prosecutors are ignorant? That did not go into your case to court? That in general are useless? It's true! I immediately appointed a representative who was to refute the thesis of a bad prosecutor. In this role, Chris Parchimowicz, the deputy director of the department for organized crime and corruption Prosecutor's Office General.

Leszek Kostrzewski, Peter Miączyński: You know how many Poles trust the prosecution?

Chris Parchimowicz : My guess is that the quotations are unfavorable.

42 percent.

- N yeah. Hardly.

more unpopular they are only the NHF and Social Security. What do you think why?

- C hoćby in that it did not inform the public, what is the prosecution what we do, we have success.

You want to tell you that there is no PR?

- C HCE say that the prosecution could be more take care of your face, image.

took care may be better to not accuse people like Roman Noodle. Locked in a cage two to six feet, acquitted after eighteen months. Or such as Lech Jeziorna and Paul Rey. Nine months in custody without a hearing. Their meat plants collapsed. After eight years of investigation, prosecutors dropped the case because no proof that crime. Etc.

- N e know these things and do not want to speak on the individual cases. In the criminal justice system are also included in the prosecution of failure. Several lawyers as well-educated can evaluate the evidence differently, draw different conclusions from that, who and what he said. The determination is a charge resulting metaphysics that everyone is different man, has a different sensitivity, different life experiences. It is important to distinguish between controversial, but allowed an assessment of the lack of knowledge or care.

Noodle, Jeziorna Rey are accidents at work?

- About other Stat. Please look at it this way: detection of perpetrators of economic crimes is very high - 94 percent. Acquittals in 2009 was just over 2 percent., Which applies to 10 thousand. people. Yes, this is not enough, but at this scale ...

You know, where the take such statistics? Entrepreneurs often do not stand up mentally. They prefer to acknowledge and accept the sentence in the "hinge", rather than go through the years with the label of the suspect.

- D obrowolne surrender penalty is assessed the court. If the court has doubts about the guilty, may be to such penalty and procedures do not agree. Each suspect is also informed of their rights. It's his thing, as you will use them. "

Allow me a personal comment to przeczytanego article. I hope it will encourage readers to read the whole material, as well as to analyze and assess the state of their own justice, as well as the attitudes of officials working there. I believe that we are as a society, the public debate on this pressing issue, since no załatwionym political changes of the early '90s.

About plotting "accident at work", referring to the case Jeziorna-Rey, it was the picture of thinking zabetonowanego official prosecution. Many months of arrests, many people, companies downs, tragedies of family, loss of wealth, health, normal life among many families and individuals is an "accident at work? Causing all this by the prosecutor, who did not have and Today there is no real evidence for the thesis posed and allegations is an "accident at work?
C hciałbym noted that the Penal Code, for 1-2 days of unlawful deprivation of liberty of others, provides for a penalty of 5 years imprisonment.
In ypadkiem at work can be called such a situation in which the prosecutor's secretary, who has 1000 cases a year, do not send one notice, because it is an envelope to hide this folder is not what you need, resulting in some lost time, and you do not suffer as a consequence of some trivial matter. It's like, it can be called an accident at work.
N azywanie "accident at work" is what we made it as if to give permission for that, for example every policeman can afford eg once a year shoot anyone with his service gun. But it happens, where he is a "work accident"!
M catching the "accident at work" without any reflection shows the worst of speaking. If granted, it was a mistake, it should tell you how this error will be corrected. As the saying goes "A" you must say "B".

C profits can therefore be concluded that the prosecution has statutory right to fail, and a citizen has to assume uncritically? Say what, this has to be, by. Parchimowicz, the price of democracy?

P archimowicz is a government official, rewarded for his work with public money. Striving to reveal the truth is his duty as a citizen, as a civil servant, as a prosecutor. Meanwhile, fed "dark people" fake data, a 94% detection rate of economic crime, 2% of the acquittals, without comment, that would allow these numbers refer to reality. Nothing about the impact on these figures disgraceful "depeku" (voluntary submission to penalty), judgments by the courts of jurisdiction so as to punishment, despite the lack of guilt, agreed to the temporary detention odsiedzianym etc ...
J ow can say that having no evidence to suggest that prosecutors, specifically Kwasniewski and Miłoszewski, committed yet other serious errors can not say that prosecutors are evil? And where is this statement even as he said "serious error"? Does it have been cleansed, or just has been forgotten them? Perhaps in exchange for other special favors? And how does it relate to the habit of accusing businesses of the proverbial 0.20 zł not planted in the fiscal cash register?
T here is a topic for serious public debate. Granting the Prosecutor to "serious error", without any consequences, he throws real light on the thinking and actions MafiiUrzę

F the act of walking is not the prosecutors for their own affairs is so widely known, is the norm that public speaking that is different is the clerical lie, deception, what should be a paragraph (for the benefit of persons who intentionally for yourself or a group of people they represent, using public money, is misleading the journalist, media, public opinion, shall be liable ... to 8 years' imprisonment).

M RES Parchimowiczowi prosecutor must toss out the cases involving the prosecutor at the head of Kwasniewski, who was almost 100 trials in just a few. For these are the minutes of the hearings, the list of attendance.
P rzypominam the event with our hearing, the judge asked where the next column-prosecutor, except Smith, a name, the thinking of the 'blue almonds' stood up and said "thank you, no questions."
K ompromitacja!

In compression to the public that the excessive length of proceedings is the remedy in a complaint concerning the length and amount of cash, you should specify that an application can not go out there and these monies are 20,000 zł max .

P archimowicz is deputy director of the department for organized crime and Corruption in the Attorney General and has no idea what it is managerial buyout, and believes that there needs to know, like his colleagues. Is this a result of the annual study of economics? Or maybe these training periods within the self to the prosecutors?

About dsyłam to the article " prosecutor is training. For my own ." From the conversation frightening picture emerges ...

G Azet Election , of May 15, 2010.
" P rokurator be trained. For my own ", edited by Leszek Kostrzewski, Peter Miączyński
" P rzedsiębiorca not a criminal" - shares of Gazeta Wyborcza, a list of articles

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Poem About Welcome To Church

Prosecutors do not know the economy is not a criminal entrepreneur

R ozmowa editors Peter Miączyńskiego and Leszek Kostrzewski former prosecutor Philip Dopierała.

P iotr Miączyński, Leszek Kostrzewski: Indictment Heads fridom development company had over 100 pages, records - 120 volumes. In court, the matter lay in the summer of 1999. You ran it from the beginning. In July 2004, when he hit the cause list, you were not in the courtroom. You accused in the same court, and thief, watch phone. Head downtown prosecutor sent a replacement "green" in this case the assessor. How is this even possible?

F ilip Dopierała: The first sin of the prosecution is that the speakers do not go to matters not to the court. To write a number of courts affects where indictments. The judge set it for consideration for a particular day. It is called. roll. On the docket are eight-ten cases. Each of another prosecutor. Prosecutor does not want to go out on his case about 13.30. So goes one on duty at all. Of these eight or ten is none of his. Does not know anything.
/ ...
K rakowscy Lech Jeziorna entrepreneurs and Paul Rey were detained in September 2003, they presented a long list of allegations. He was charged with money laundering. As it turned out a few years later, completely wrong. First, they sat for nine months in custody without a hearing.

- T here is called. Mining arrest.

C lived?

- T sculpture of man to close the prison and interrogated. To crushed.

I it will collapse in custody?

- A how. Cell two meters by two. A man sits, not seeing anyone for four or five months. Overlooks the yard once a week. Also has a shower once a week. You really need to have a strong mentality to withstand it. Bandit knows that he can land in jail. This is included in the risk. He knows how it looks. For niebandyty arrest is a horrible experience.

with a gift, therefore, that trader voluntarily subjected to punishment. Recognizes that there is nothing to dig with the horse. He'll get six months, suspended for two years, a fine of 50 thousand. zł. I have peace of mind.

P oland was repeatedly punished by the European Court of Justice for the use of detention in economic matters. It was pointed out to us that their misuse. Fortunately, the courts are not so willing to use them as a few years ago. Rather, they say: Please put down a deposit 100 thousand. zł and leaves you free.
/ ...
In racając the lake and Rey - more than three years in their case nothing happened. In addition, she changed the successive investigators. The prosecution says that by this time waiting for the opinion of experts.

- T of crap.

D HY prosecutor arrested someone with no expert evidence that a crime occurred? Should not he will need to have these experts?

- About other Stat, he should.

A why the prosecutor conducts preparatory six or seven years?

- P rzestępstwa that occur in economic issues can be divided into two types. This one is called. detriment to the company. Here are the opinions of the experts needed. Sometimes they get a very long time. An example might be even a matter of JTT, which was taken from the prosecutor's office to Poznan, Wroclaw. I looked all over Poznan Poland experts. I could not be found. And we must consider three or four trucks of documents. It is also in progress.

D ejection type of economic crime is a matter karnoskarbowe. False invoicing, accepting bogus invoices to defraud VAT.

S karbówka, that the matter karnoskarbowa, always comes from a tax audit. The prosecutor himself never initiates tax.


- B on the do not knows.
/ ...
J ak this case ended with a watch and a phone?

- N e know. I do not remember. After I was "a pillar". Soon after I left the prosecutor's office.

C iekawa, enlightening conversation. I would recommend a careful reading.

G Azet Wyborcza, 11 May 2010
" P rokuratorzy not familiar with the economy ", edited by Peter Miączyński and Leszek Kostrzewski

Monday, May 10, 2010

Licence.dat For Matlab R2007a

In ed article by Leszek Kostrzewski and Peter Miączyńskiego, the share of Gazeta Wyborcza -" not a criminal entrepreneur ", the authors use the real cases, describe infamous penal system tax, which speak prosecution and treasury officials, impunity attacking Polish entrepreneurs, thus fulfilling the tasks known only to themselves.

ll in these activities are carried out according to a simple pattern:

M a business? House? Black limousine with four-wheel drive? Surely a thief. Because if a car has, it made his money dishonestly. He stole, arranged for the knowledge or someone bribed. In this country, yet is otherwise impossible.
Polish entrepreneur is suspect. For ordinary people. For the tax authorities. For prosecutors. He must be careful. And better yet closed immediately.

- M s daughter came into adult life in an independent, free Poland with the conviction that the state is unpredictable, that you can not trust him. With a dislocated view of reality - Jeziorna Lech says. Its meat plants - Krakmeat - lapsed after the fiscal audit. On the pavement were sent to 300 people.

G stocks on the basis of the relationship of entrepreneurs someone wanted to develop a scheme of the fall, it would look like this:

N ajazd the house the police, the Central Bureau of Investigation, Internal Security Agency, CBA usually at 6 am. Someone yells to the intercom: "Police, open!" To measure the men caught with a gun. One shows a permit revision and the seizure of all valuables. The police imposed handcuffs on their hands.

- T here was 25 September 2003, the wife and children in fear, and those buried in a cabinet - says Lech Jeziorna. - I did not know what was happening.

T oad to the prosecution. Cage meter at two meters with thick iron bars. Sits in a cage without handcuffs. Goes to the bathroom already skutym.

P a few hours or the next day for the hearing.

P rokurator questions: Age? Typically, about 40 Education: higher. Occupation: entrepreneur. Marital status: Married. Children: one, two or more. Assets: home, car, shares in companies. So far, criminal record.

P rokurator says: Now we shall show the Lord (Mrs.) criminal activity.

G Azet Election , 10 May 2010,
" P rzedsiębiorca not a criminal", edited by Leszek Kostrzewski and Peter Miączyński

Friday, May 7, 2010

Homemade Airpcap Card

Внеплановое обновление: FreeInTvTicket

greet moviegoers!

From your comments, I learned that the site little has changed its design, which is why we lost the opportunity to spend the evening watching the next filmetsa.

And now that this did not happen, I put all his affairs, and sawed a bit player, so it was ... ))

Unfortunately, a new version has been delayed, but that's about to be.

All a nice weekend. And, of course, all the Victory Day!